The GoAudits digital checklists and tools can support you through the challenges of managing your business in the context of the Covid-19 outbreak. Whether you run an essential business or plan your Return to Work strategy when the lockdowns are lifted, GoAudits can help.
Update your processes to minimise infection risks
What measures can you take to minimise infection risks, both for your employees and also your customers? The best place to start is to look at the official guidelines from your government and health bodies. Here are a few useful links:
- American CDC guidelines for workplaces & communities, and on cleaning & disinfection of facilities
- European ECDC e-learning activities related to Covid-19
- UK government guidelines for employers and businesses
- UK government guidelines on social distancing in the workplace for different business sectors such as retail, food, construction, logistics, and guidelines for food businesses
Login or download our app or check our Covid-19 toolkit for checklist templates that you can use as a starting point for various inspections. (Please note these are suggested templates that you need to adapt to your business and local regulations.) Keep everyone safer by regularly reviewing:
- Covid-19 preparedness across your business
- Cleaning & Sanitation checklist
- Health, Safety and Hygiene checklists
- Welfare of Colleagues (e.g. work from home checklist)
- Operational Consistency and Reporting
Rolling out Covid-19 related measures across your business
Once you decide new health and hygiene processes, you need to quickly and effectively disseminate them across all your locations.
How to effectively trickle down the new guidelines and procedures to every staff member, in every location?
Routine checks and self-inspections in each location/store are a great way to ensure your staff remain extra vigilant and systematically take the right steps. The GoAudits digital tool enables you to communicate the updated process in detail to your staff, making sure everyone applies the different measures as expected.

For example, you can make a cleaning checklist with all the frequent touch surfaces that need regular disinfection: door handles, elevator buttons, sink taps, toilet handles, light switches, hand rails, trolleys, refrigerator handles, touch screens, credit card machines… And make sure your staff implements the cleaning schedule as expected.
How can Management control if the new measures are being rolled out consistently?
GoAudits dashboards provide real-time visibility into the actions taken in each location. Managers are able to quickly spot recurring failures and increasing risks. They can then intervene to support the teams on the ground.
Protecting and reassuring staff & customers
Ensure you take proper care of your staff as they work remotely, with our home office checklist. Even after lockdowns, both staff and customers will expect special social distancing and hygiene measures from your business.
We believe that our tools and expertise can help you roll out your crisis response. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch and discuss ways in which we can support you.