Stair Inspection Checklist

Use this Stair Inspection Checklist from US NIOSH to evaluate safety and ensure structural integrity by inspecting guardrails, handrails, landings and more.

Stair Inspection Checklist

Spiral Stairways

1. Is a spiral stairway provided where there is adequate space and it is feasible to provide conventional fixed stairs?

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2. Is there less than 78 inches of vertical clearance along the spiral stairway?

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3. Is the width of the spiral stairway across any tread less than 26 inches?

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4. Is the tread depth less than 7-½ inches, and at a point 12 inches from the narrow edge, on the spiral stairway? 

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5. Is the riser height more than 9-½ inches on the spiral stairway?

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1. Is an illuminance of Less than 108 lux (10 foot-candles) provided on the stairway and landings?

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1. Are visual cues such as handrails, delineated nosing edges, tactile cues, warning signs, surface color contrast, and/or accent lighting provided for 3 or fewer stairs?

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1. Are there any pooled liquids, spillage, or debris on the stair treads or landings?

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1. Is the pitch of the stairway less than 30° or more than 50°?

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2. Are the stair treads, nosing, and landings, not corrugated, knurled, dimpled, coated with skid-resistant material, or otherwise treated to minimize slipping?

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1. Is there less than 7 feet of vertical clearance along the stairway, including the first and last steps?

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1. Are the treads bent, deformed, or not level?

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2. Is the tread depth not uniform along the stairway, including the first and last steps?

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3. Is the tread depth less than 9.5 inches for stairs with closed risers?

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4. For stairways with 3 or fewer stairs, is the tread depth less than 13 inches?

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5. Is the width of the stairway across any tread less than 22 inches?

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1. Is the rise height not uniform along the stairway, including the first and last steps?

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2. Is the rise height less than 4 inches or greater than 9.5 inches?

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1. Is the stair nosing not highly visible?

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2. Is the projection of the nosing greater than 1.5 inches over the lower tread?

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1. Is the top tread not level with the landing?

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2. Is the landing less than the width of the stairway or less than 22 inches wide?

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3. Is the landing less than 30 inches long in the direction of travel?

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4. Is a landing not provided for every 12 feet of climbing height?

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5. Is a landing not provided when a door or gate opens over/onto the stairway?

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6. When a door or gate opens onto the landing, is the usable width on the landing less than 22 inches?

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1. Is a guardrail missing or damaged, including the top rail, intermediate rail, post, screen, or mesh between the top guardrail and the stair tread?

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2. Is an intermediate guardrail not approximately halfway between the top guardrail and the stair tread?

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3. When a screen or mesh is used, does it not extend from the top guardrail to the stair tread for the entire length between posts?

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4. Does a guardrail have a vertical height of less than 42 inches from the walking/working surface?

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1. For a stairway that is less than 44 inches wide, if enclosed, is there no handrail provided on the right side when descending?

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2. For a stairway that is less than 44 inches wide, if open on one side, is there no handrail provided on at least the open side?

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3. For a stairway that is less than 44 inches wide, if open on both sides, is there no handrail provided on both open sides?

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4. For a stairway between 44 and 88 inches wide (enclosed and open), is there no handrail provided on both sides?

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5. For a stairway that is more than 88 inches wide, is there no handrail provided on both sides and no additional handrail provided in the middle of the stair width?

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6. Do the handrails rotate or move within the fitting?

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7. Do the handrails have protrusions, burrs, or sharp edges?

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8. Do the handrails have an obstruction on the top or sides?

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9. Is there less than 2.25 inches of clearance around handrails at any point along the stairway?

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10. Are the handrails not continuous with adjacent handrails or not continuous for the entire length of the stairway?

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11. Is the handrail height not consistent above the stair nosing?

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12. Is the height of the top handrail less than 34 inches or more than 38 inches above the stair tread?

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13. Does the handrail extend less than 12 inches horizontally above the top landing?

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14. Does the handrail extend less than one tread depth horizontally beyond the bottom tread?

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15. For circular handrails, is the outer diameter less than 1.25 inches or more than 2 inches?

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16. For noncircular handrails, does the cross-section measure less than 1 inch or more than 2.25 inches?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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