Residential Plumbing Checklist

Use the Residential Plumbing Checklist to check all elements for compliance with the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC).

Residential Plumbing Checklist

Permits And Plans

1. Is the job address posted in a visible location?

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2. Are the permit and approved plans on-site and accessible to the inspector ?

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3. Is the permit information correct (e.g., address, permit number, description of work, etc.)?

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4. Have all plumbing fixtures been included in over-the-counter (OTC) and electronic permits?

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5. When a separate sewer or septic permit is required, has it been signed off by the authority having jurisdiction?

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6. Has the water service and storm drainage system been inspected and signed off?

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7. Have you reviewed the notes from the previous plumbing inspections, addressing issues like air admittance valve installation which will require a grill to be installed at the location, or that shock arresters need to be installed at the final?

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8. If an irrigation system is installed, has a backflow prevention device been properly installed and signed off by the AHJ?

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9. Have third-party approved test reports been obtained for backflow devices such as RPBPs and DCVAs at required locations, such as irrigation systems, non-flow-through fire sprinklers, and boilers?

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10. Have the plans been checked for any plumbing energy credit requirements?

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Plumbing Vents

1. Do plumbing vents extend at least 6 inches above the roof and at least 10 feet away or 3 feet above windows that open? When doing a walk-through, have you looked down on the roof below and checked for test plugs left in the vent pipes ?

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1. Do all hose bibs have non-removable vacuum breakers of a self-draining type? Do exterior hose bibs have integral vacuum breakers and are frost-proof and caulked and secured at exterior walls?

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2. Have you checked the water pressure at any hose bib to verify that it is 80 psi or less, and if it's greater than 80 psi, is a pressure-reducing valve required ?

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Electric Water Heaters

1. Is the electric water heater installed according to the relevant guidelines?

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2. Have hot water heaters met first-hour demand requirements? Have non-storage water heaters met those requirements and are capable of delivering hot water at the maximum system demand flow ?

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3. If a gas water heater has been installed which doesn’t include any plumbing pipe modifications, is it a mechanical inspection and will it be covered on the Residential Mechanical Final Checklist? If an electric water heater has been installed or a gas water heater including pipe modifications will it require a plumbing inspection?

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4. Is a temperature and pressure relief valve installed per the manufacturer's instructions or listing?

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5. Does the relief valve's drain allow for gravity drainage without trapping?

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6. Is the pipe for the drain hard and full-sized, with no flex connectors or PEX piping ?

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7. Does the drain terminate outside the building 6 inches to 24 inches above grade and have a soldered/glued-on elbow as needed to direct the flow toward the ground or terminate at an approved drain where it may not be directly connected to a sanitary sewer? Is it ensured that retrofit water heaters may discharge 6 inches to 24 inches off of the floor when a relief drain is not available?

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8. Is seismic strapping installed as per Construction Tip Sheet 7, Water Heaters? This includes the following: two straps, 1 in lower 1/3 and 1 in upper 1/3 and 3/4-inch wide. Straps to be 22-gauge metal with strap ends lag bolted onto two different studs.

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9. Has protection been provided for a water heater installed in the normal path of a vehicle?

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10. Since water heaters in attics, attic-ceiling assembly, floor-ceiling assembly, or floor-subfloor assembly where damage may result from a leaking water heater, is a watertight pan of corrosion-resistant material installed with a 3/4-inch drain that is piped to an approved location?

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11. For expansion tanks and combination temperature and pressure-relief valves, is a water system provided with a check valve, backflow preventer, or other normally closed devices that prevent dissipation of building pressure back into the water main, independent of the type of water heater used, provided with an approved, listed and adequately sized expansion tank?

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12. When a mechanical room has a floor drain or a standpipe, is a trap primer installed, and is it verified to be working ?

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Plumbing Fixtures, Caulking, And Drains

1. Has water been run at all fixtures to check for leaks ? Is the water temperature limited to 120 degrees Fahrenheit for showers and bathtubs, and 110 degrees Fahrenheit for bidets by a device that complies with ASSE 1070/ASME A112.1070/CSA B125.70?

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2. Is the hot water at a temperature exceeding or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

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3. Is the fixture hot water control located on the left-hand side of the fixture or per the manufacturer's installation instructions? On soaking tubs, is the hot water control required on the left side as seen from the inside of the tub ?

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4. Are handheld sprayers at soaking tub valves default to the sprout or protected by approved backflow devices ?

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5. Is access provided for motors on jetted tubs?

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6. Have all fixtures been caulked watertight ?

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7. Do water closets have a minimum of 21 inches of clear space in front and 15 inches measured from the centerline of toilets to the finished wall on either side (WA Amendment?

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8. Do shower door openings have a minimum of 22 inches of clear opening?

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9. Is there no underfloor cleanout located more than 20 feet from a crawl access door or trap door ?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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