Residential Building Inspection Checklist

The Residential Building Inspection Checklist helps you maintain your residences with checks of permits, plans, exteriors, interiors, smoke alarms, etc.

Residential Building Inspection Checklist

Decks, Stairs, And Walkways

1. Have deck placement, setback, size, and materials been verified per approved plans?

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2. Is the deck positively attached and capable of supporting both lateral and live loads (40lb/sq.ft. minimum)?

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3. Are all deck materials treated or naturally resistant to decay? Are cuts, notches, and holes treated with preservatives?

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4. Are fasteners and hardware for pressure preservative and fire-retardant-treated wood made of hot-dipped galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze, or copper?

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5. Is the ledger for decks bolted/lagged to the structure in accordance with table 507.2.1 or per approved plans?

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6. Do deck lateral connections require a minimum of (2) 1,500 lb. hold-down tension devices, installed in not less than two locations (ends) per deck, installed and connected to interior parallel joists per IRC figure 507.2.4 (exception for decks < 30” above grade)?

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7. Are cantilevers blocked at the bearing line if >12"?

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8. Are the bottom of the footings a minimum of 12" below grade for freeze protection?

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9. If the deck is >30" vertically above the grade plane, within 3’ horizontally, is a guard installed?

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10. Is there a minimum headroom of 6'8" at stairways measured vertically from the nose of the treads, landings, or platforms?

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11. Do all stairs have illumination and a light switch at each floor level of 6 or more risers? Is exterior stairway lighting controlled from within the building? (R303.7, R303.7.1)

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12. Is stair nosing ¾” – 1 ¼” required when solid risers are installed except when the tread depth is 11” minimum? (R311.7.5.3)

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13. Do open risers not allow passage of a 4” sphere, except for stairs with a rise of 30” or less? (R311.7.5.1)

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14. Is the radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread not over 9/16”? (R311.7.5.3)

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15. Does the greatest nosing projection not exceed the smallest by >3/8”? (R311.7.5.3)

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16. Is the stair riser maximum 7 3/4", and the tread minimum 10"? (R311.7.5.1)

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17. Does the stair riser/tread maximum dimension not exceed the smallest by >3/8"? (R311.7.5.1)

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18. Do guards not allow passage of a 4" sphere? (R312.1.3)

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19. Do guards installed at the sides of stairs not allow the passage of a 4 3/8” sphere? (R312.1.3 Exception 2)

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20. Does the triangle formed by the riser, tread, and bottom element of the guardrail not allow passage of a 6” sphere? (R312.1.3 Exception1)

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21. Are guards adjacent to floor surfaces over 30” from the adjacent floor or grade a minimum of 36" in height to the top of the guard? (R312.1.2)

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22. Do open sides of stairs with a total rise of 30” above the floor or grade below have guards that are a minimum of 34” in height when measured vertically from the stair nosing to the top of the guard? (R312.1.2 exceptions 1 & 2)

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23. Are handrails and guards capable of withstanding 200 lbs. applied in any direction at any point on the rail? (IBC 1607.8.1.1)

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24. Is there a handrail at the stairs with 4 or more risers?

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25. Is the handrail a minimum of 34" to a maximum of 38" above the nose of the tread to the top of the handrail? (R311.7.8.1)

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26. For Type I handrails with circular cross-sections, is the diameter between 1 1/4” - 2"? (R311.7.8.3)

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27. For Type I handrails with noncircular cross sections, does it have a perimeter dimension of 4” – 6 ¼” with a maximum cross-section of 2 ¼”?

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28. For Type II handrails with perimeters greater than 6 ¼”, is there a graspable finger recess area on both sides of the profile? Is the minimum & maximum width above the recess between 1 ¼” – 2 ¾”?

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29. Does the handrail return to the wall, with a maximum of 4 1/2" off the wall and a minimum of 1 1/2" clear space from the inside of the rail to the wall?

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30. Do exterior doors have landings, minimum 36"x 36", or per size of door opening? The floor or landing at the exit door shall not be more than 1.5” lower than the top of the threshold. Floors or landing at doors other than the exit door don’t have to meet this requirement. May step down 7 3/4" below the door opening unless the door swings over the landing. Where a stairway of two or fewer risers is located on the exterior side of a door, other than the required exit door, a landing is not required for the exterior side of the door.

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1. Are single-family garages separated from the residence and its attic area by not less than ½” gypsum board applied to the garage side?

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2. Is the garage door to the house weather-stripped?

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3. Is the primary heat source not a woodstove, or if it is, is it EPA-certified?

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4. Do ducts in garages that penetrate the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling from the garage constructed of a minimum No. 26 gauge sheet metal and have no openings into the garage?

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5. Are other penetrations through garage walls and ceilings filled with approved material to resist the free passage of flame and smoke?

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6. Is there a 1 3/8" solid door or a 20-minute fire-rated door equipped with a self-closing device between the house and the garage?

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1. Are attic accesses required for areas exceeding 30 square feet and having a vertical height of 30” or greater?

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2. Are accesses located in hallways or other readily accessible locations?

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3. Is the attic access unobstructed and a minimum of 22"x30" or large enough to remove the largest piece of mechanical equipment intact?

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4. Is the access door insulated and gasketed at insulated ceilings, with a surrounding curb that is a minimum of 12" in height?

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5. Is proper insulation and thickness installed?)

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6. Has blow-in insulation not filled/blocked baffles and maintained a 1” clearance between roof sheeting and insulation?

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7. Does blow-in insulation have a 1” clearance to gas-fired exhaust vents?

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Crawl Space

1. Is the floor crawl access a minimum of 18” x 24”?

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2. Are openings through a perimeter wall to the crawl space a minimum of 16” x 24”?

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3. Is ventilation at the crawl space unobstructed by insulation?

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4. Is ventilation at the crawl as shown on the plan a minimum of 1 sq..ft. per 300 sq.ft.?

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5. Is the vapor barrier black 6 mil. plastic, covering the crawl completely from wall to wall, with all seams lapped 12"?

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6. Is R-30 insulation installed against the bottom of the floor and secured in place?

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7. Are pressure-treated wood posts installed at basements or cellars or supported by piers or metal pedestals projecting 1” above the floor or finished grade and 6” above exposed earth and separated by an approved impervious moisture barrier?

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8. Are pressure-treated wood posts installed in crawl spaces or unexcavated areas, supported by a concrete pier or metal pedestal 8" above exposed earth and separated by an approved impervious moisture barrier?

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9. Has all debris been removed from the crawl space?

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10. If floors are constructed of lumber less than 2” x 10” dimensional lumber, are they fire-protected on the underside when a crawl space is for storage or houses fuel-burning equipment?

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11. Where required, is flood-resistant construction in flood hazard areas in place (treated/water-resistant materials, flood vents, etc.)?

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Stairs And Handrails - Windows And Glazing

1. Is the bedroom window sill, not more than 44" from the floor to the bottom of the window opening? Does it have a minimum clear opening of 5.7 sq.ft., a minimum width of 20", and a minimum height of 24"? Are grade floor openings meeting the minimum 5 sq. ft. clear opening requirement?

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2. Are emergency escape and rescue openings operational from the inside without the use of keys, tools, or special knowledge?

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3. Is safety glazing installed in hazardous locations marked with type and thickness using acid etching, sandblasting, ceramic firing, embossing, or other permanent means?

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4. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in swinging doors except for jalousies.

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5. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in sliding and bifold closet door assemblies.

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6. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in storm doors.

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7. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.

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8. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs, and showers where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60” above any standing or walking surface.

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9. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest vertical edge is within a 24” arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60” above the walking surface.

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10. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel with an exposed area greater than 9 sq.ft., a bottom edge less than 18” above the floor, a top edge greater than 36” above the floor, and one or more walking surfaces within 36” horizontally of the glazing (except when a protective 1 ½” wide bar is installed on the accessible side of the glazing 34”- 38” above the floor and capable of withstanding a load of 50lbs per linear foot).

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11. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in railings regardless of area or height above a walking surface, including structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels.

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12. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing in walls and fences enclosing indoor and outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas where the bottom edge of the glazing is less than 60” above a walking surface and within 60” horizontally of the water’s edge.

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13. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing adjacent to stairways, landings, and ramps within 36” horizontally of a walking surface when the exposed surface of the glass is less than 36” above the plane of the adjacent walking surface (except when a handrail or guard is installed)

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14. Is safety glazing installed at hazardous locations - Glazing adjacent to stairways within a 60” arc horizontally of the bottom tread of a stairway less than 180 degrees from the bottom tread nosing when the exposed surface of the glass is less than 36” above the nose of the tread (except when the side of the stair, landing, or ramp has a guard or handrail with balusters or in-fill panels and the plane of the glass is more than 18” from the railing).

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Permits And Plans

1. Is permit and approved plans on-site and accessible to the inspector?

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2. Is permit information correct (address, permit number, description of work, etc.)?

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3. Have all other finals been approved? (R109) (Check with the local jurisdiction for required finals.)

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4. Is a FEMA elevation certificate by a licensed surveyor provided for construction in flood-hazard areas?

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1. Are house numbers plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property, with a minimum size of 4” and of contrasting color?

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2. Have all exterior windows, penetrations, and openings been caulked?

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3. Are chimney terminations 2' above any roof/structure within 10' and not less than 3’ above the highest point where the chimney passes through the roof?

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4. Have spark arresters been installed on top of the chimney?

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5. Is there a 6" distance from soil to wood siding/trim?

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6. Does the grade at the foundation fall away from the building a minimum of 6” within the first 10’? Is the minimum slope 5% where there is less than 6” fall in 10’? Are swales (if used) meeting the minimum 2% slope?

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7. Are carports not open on at least two sides inspected as garages, and do all fire separation requirements apply?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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