IHRSA 2021 Standard Audit

This IHRSA 2021 audit checklist provides the IHRSA guidelines to be followed by gyms before re-opening in the context of COVID-19.

IHRSA 2021 Standard Audit


1. How will you limit the number of people in the facility at one time to comply with social distancing requirements, and how will this be monitored and enforced?

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2. Will you reopen group or small group exercise with extreme social distancing?

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3. What will you do about your virtual offerings?

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4. How will you enforce social distancing?

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5. What changes to policies or procedures will you implement to prevent people from congregating in certain areas?

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Cleaning And Sanitation

1. How often will staff clean machines and surfaces?

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2. Are there any hard-to-clean items you should remove from the floor?

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3. Are there any additional cleaning procedures you will add, such as ultraviolet light or fog cleaning?

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4. How will staff who are responsible for cleaning be protected from exposure?

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5. Will you require members and staff who are not cleaning to wear protective clothing, such as a face cover?

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6. How will you communicate and enforce good member cleaning practices?

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1. How many staff members do you need to carry out reopening?

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2. Which staff members will you bring back on board to fill these roles, and how will you communicate any changes to their responsibilities or roles?

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3. What will you do to ensure your practices protect returning staff from exposure to COVID-19?

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4. Will you test employees for COVID-19 before the return to work if testing is available? Will you do daily monitoring of employee health (e.g. temperature checks)?

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5. What additional training will employees need in a post-COVID-19 environment?

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1. How will you time the reopening of different sections of your club?

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2. Do you need to make any upgrades or changes to your current services to meet new needs that come with a limited reopen?

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3. Are there any services you have implemented during closure that you will continue after you reopen?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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