HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Checklist

Use this HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Checklist to evaluate physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect sensitive healthcare data.

HIPAA Security Risk Assessment Checklist

Office Access

1. Is there a “gatekeeper” (e.g., receptionist) on duty to control access to the office during business hours?

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2. Are restricted office areas secured with locks or key card entry?

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3. Are all vendors escorted while visiting areas of the office?

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4. Is there a formal document retention and disposal policy for protected health information (PHI)?

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5. Does the office have access to and use cross-cut shredders for convenient disposal of paper records? Alternatively, does the office contract with off-site shredding services?

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6. How does the office dispose of electronic records (e.g., CDs, DVDs, hard drives)?

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7. Is there an exit interview or process to ensure return or destruction of all PHI upon termination/leave/resignation of office personnel?

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Office Workstations And Remote/Mobile Devise Access

1. Are office workstations (i.e., computers) restricted to office personnel (i.e., nurses, physicians, office assistants, PAs, etc.)?

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2. Is there an on-site server that stores PHI for the office? If so, is the server area locked or accessible only by designated office employees?

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3. Does the office use a cloud-based service or off-site server to store PHI for the office?

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4. Does the office dispose of or recycle old computers/hard drives/fax machines? Is the information contained on those old computers/hard drives wiped clean before disposal or recycling?

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5. Do office workstations/laptops use unique login/user names for each individual?

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6. Do office workstations require passwords?

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Emergency/Contingency Plans

1. Is there a plan or service in place for backup and recovery of PHI in the event of an emergency or disaster?

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Workstation Security And Encryption

1. Do office workstations all have anti-virus software and use firewalls?

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2. Is the anti-virus software regularly updated?

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3. How complex are office workstation passwords?

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4. How often do workstation passwords need to be changed?

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5. Do office workstations time out and log out automatically after a period of inactivity?

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Remote And Mobile Access

1. Does the office use laptops/tablets/mobile devices/flash drives to access office e-mails or PHI?

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2. Are the laptops/tablets/mobile devices secured with password protection?

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3. Are flash drives secured with encryption?

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4. Does the office have a method to track workstation access by office personnel?

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5. Does the office have the ability to terminate remote access to office workstations if laptops/tablets/mobile devices are stolen or lost?

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6. Does the office have the ability to remotely wipe office data and PHI from lost or stolen laptops/tablets/mobile devices?

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7. Does the office send e-mails with PHI to patients? Are e-mails with PHI encrypted? If not, are patients provided with confidentiality statements about the risks of unencrypted e-mails?

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Hospital/Medical Center

1. Does anyone on your medical office staff (e.g., physicians or nurses) work at the hospital(s) or in conjunction with outside medical groups?

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2. If so, does the hospital or outside medical group provide your medical staff with access to the hospital/medical group PHI network or system?

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3. Is your medical staff aware of the hospital/medical group’s network or system access rules and requirements?

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4. Does your medical staff allow any other individuals (including other members of the office) to use his/her access to the network or system without the hospital/medical group’s knowledge/consent?

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Office Training And Awareness

1. Has the office designated an individual to be in charge of HIPAA training?

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2. Has the office conducted a HIPAA risk assessment previously?

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3. Has the entire office had HIPAA training?

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4. How often does the office undergo HIPAA training?

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5. Has every member of the office reviewed and executed a confidentiality agreement?

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Reporting Of Incidents

1. Is there a policy or procedure for reporting potential office privacy of security incidents?

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2. Has the office received training on the recognition of potential privacy or security incidents?

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Vendor Contracts And Agreements

1. Does the office use any outside vendors to provide any medical or support services to the office?

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2. If so, is there a written contract/agreement in place with these outside vendors?

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3. Do these contracts/agreements expressly address HIPAA privacy and security rule issues?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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