Event Facility Management Checklist

Use the Event Facility Management Checklist for facility inspection and event preparation, including equipment, environment, safety standards, etc.

Event Facility Management Checklist


1. Have annual inspections been arranged by qualified individuals or companies to ensure the facility or property is in safe condition?

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2. Is there regular maintenance to all major and minor components carried out?

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3. Is it ensured that grounds, access, and vegetation are well maintained if the facility is a park or building?

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4. Are all current fire codes being met, and is there confirmation that alarms and fire protection equipment are serviced and serviceable?

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5. Is it ensured that kitchen and bathroom facilities are clean and sanitary, and is the safety of equipment in these areas verified?

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Before The Event

1. Is there an agreement with the owners of the facility signed where the contract outlines the responsibilities of both parties?

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2. Are appropriate licenses for the event taking place obtained?

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3. Are all entrances and exits free of obstructions?

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4. Have indoor signs “Floor Slippery When Wet” been posted when raining outside?

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5. Have all tables, chairs, and other loose furnishings been checked within the facility, and have any unsafe or defective items been removed?

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During The Event

1. Are all fire exits clearly marked and unobstructed?

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2. Do all electrical wires or devices not obstruct patrons?

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3. In winter events, is it ensured all entrances and sidewalks are cleared and salted, and are the indoor signs placed stating "floor slippery when wet"? Additionally, are efforts made to keep water areas dry by promptly mopping up any wet areas?

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4. Is any spilled liquid on the floor promptly mopped up to prevent anyone from slipping or falling?

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5. Is anyone acting in an unsafe manner advised to refrain or otherwise leave the premises?

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6. In the case of an outdoor event, is it ensured that the public maintains a safe distance from potentially dangerous equipment, natural features, or obstacles? Additionally, are signs posted to identify any potential dangers?

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After The Event

1. When the event is over, are all tables, chairs, and equipment checked and ensured that it is all returned in good repair?

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2. Is the equipment that was damaged identified and complete and is there an incident report form completed?

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Financial Controls

1. Are insurers contacted as far ahead of time as possible with a calendar of upcoming events involving the facility?

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2. Is a facility maintenance reserve fund established to address the costs associated with periodic maintenance and component replacement?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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