Environmental Impact Assessment Checklist

Use this Environmental Impact Assessment Checklist to assess the potential environmental effects of projects, covering EIA details, LPA/SOS screening, etc.

Environmental Impact Assessment Checklist

Water Resources

1. Are there any water resources including surface waters, e.g. rivers, lakes/ponds, coastal or underground waters on or around the location which could be affected by the project, particularly in terms of their volume and flood risk?

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Biodiversity (Species And Habitats)

1. Are there any protected areas that are designated or classified for their terrestrial, avian, and marine ecological value, or any non-designated/non-classified areas that are important or sensitive for reasons of their terrestrial, avian, and marine ecological value, located on or around the location and which could be affected by the project? (e.g. wetlands, watercourses or other water-bodies, the coastal zone, mountains, forests or woodlands, undesignated nature reserves or parks. (Where designated indicate the level of designation (international, national, regional, or local)))

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2. Could any protected, important, or sensitive species of flora or fauna that use areas on or around the site, e.g. for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over-wintering, or migration, be affected by the project?

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Landscape And Visual

1. Are there any areas or features on or around the location that are protected for their landscape and scenic value, and/or any non-designated / non-classified areas or features of high landscape or scenic value on or around the location that could be affected by the project? Where designated, is the level of designation indicated? (international, national, regional, or local)

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2. Is the project in a location where it is likely to be highly visible to many people? (If so, from where, what direction, and what distance?)

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Cultural Heritage/Archaeology

1. Are there any areas or features that are protected for their cultural heritage or archaeological value, or any non-designated / classified areas and/or features of cultural heritage or archaeological importance on or around the location that could be affected by the project (including potential impacts on setting, and views to, from and within)? Where designated, is the level of designation indicated? (international, national, regional, or local).

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Transport And Access

1. Are there any routes on or around the location which are used by the public for access to recreation or other facilities, which could be affected by the project?

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2. Are there any transport routes on or around the location that are susceptible to congestion or that cause environmental problems, which could be affected by the project?

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Land Use

1. Are there existing land uses or community facilities on or around the location that could be affected by the project? E.g. housing, densely populated areas, industry/commerce, farm/agricultural holdings, forestry, tourism, mining, quarrying, facilities relating to health, education, places of worship, leisure/sports/recreation.

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2. Are there any plans for future land uses on or around the location which could be affected by the project?

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Land Stability And Climate

1. Is the location susceptible to earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, or extreme /adverse climatic conditions, e.g. temperature inversions, fogs, and severe winds, which could cause the project to present environmental problems?

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Cumulative Effects

1. Could this project together with existing and/or approved development result in cumulation of impacts together during the construction/operation phase?

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Case Details

1. Specify the Case Reference

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2. Provide a brief description of the project/development

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3. Specify the Appellant

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4. Specify the LPA

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Transboundary Effects

1. Is the project likely to lead to transboundary effects?

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EIA Details

1. Is the project Schedule 1 development according to Schedule 1 of the EIA Regulations? If ‘yes’, which description of development is it?

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2. Is the project Schedule 2 development under the EIA Regulations? If ‘yes’, under which description of development is it?

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3. Is the development within, partly within, or near a ‘sensitive area’ as defined by Regulation 2 of the EIA Regulations? If ‘yes’, which area?

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4. Are the applicable thresholds/criteria exceeded/met? If yes, which applicable threshold/criteria?

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LPA/SOS Screening

1. Has the LPA or SoS issued a Screening Opinion (SO) or Screening Direction (SD)? (In the case of Enforcement appeals, has a Regulation 37 notice been issued?)

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2. If yes, is a copy of the SO/SD on the file?

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3. If yes, is the SO/SD positive?

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Environmental Statement

1. Has the appellant supplied an ES for the current or previous (if reserved matters or conditions) application?

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Natural Resources

1. Will the construction, operation, or decommissioning of the project involve actions that will cause physical changes in the topography of the area? 

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2. Will construction or operation of the project use natural resources above or below ground such as land, soil, water, materials/minerals, or energy that are non-renewable or in short supply?

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3. Are there any areas on/around the location that contain important, high-quality, or scarce resources that could be affected by the project, e.g. forestry, agriculture, water/coastal, fisheries, and minerals?

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1. Will the project produce solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning?

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Pollution And Nuisances

1. Will the project release pollutants or any hazardous, toxic, or noxious substances into the air?

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2. Will the project cause noise and vibration or release of light, heat, energy, or electromagnetic radiation?

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3. Will the project lead to risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants onto the ground or into surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters, or the sea?

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4. Are there any areas on or around the location that are already subject to pollution or environmental damage, e.g. where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded, which could be affected by the project?

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Population And Human Health

1. Will there be any risk of major accidents (including those caused by climate change, in accordance with scientific knowledge) during construction, operation, or decommissioning?

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2. Will the project present a risk to the population (having regard to population density) and their human health during construction, operation, or decommissioning? (for example due to water contamination or air pollution)

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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