Environmental Audit Checklist Template

Use this Environmental Audit Checklist Template to assess the environmental impact of your organization, take measures and handle non-compliances.

Environmental Audit Checklist Template

General Inspection

1. Are seagrass, algae, or other plants not being damaged or lost beyond the dredge site or at the spoil disposal or dewatering site? This should be identified through monitoring or visual observation.

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2. Are impacts to waters not causing humans, animals, or fish to become unwell or die?

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3. Are turbidity and dissolved oxygen measurements meeting the ALARM triggers specified in the water quality monitoring plan? Have any activations of ALARM or HOLD triggers been appropriately actioned?

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4. Are contaminants such as hazardous materials (e.g., metals, PFAS) or plastics not being released into the environment or causing adverse impacts during the removal or dewatering of spoil?

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5. Is spoil contaminated with hazardous substances treated and/or disposed of at appropriate licensed facilities (as evidenced by waste receipts)?

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6. Are there no complaints from users of the area, including recreational and commercial users, regarding increased turbidity or release of organic matter or other pollutants? Are any complaints being appropriately addressed?

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7. Is odor, noise, and dust emitted from the site not impacting nearby residents or people who use the area? Are any complaints being recorded and addressed?

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8. Are dolphins, seals, and other marine megafauna not being impacted by dredging (e.g., noise, physical disturbance)? Are appropriate management actions in place to minimize potential impacts?

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9. Is spoil being managed appropriately to minimize loss, spillage, and leakage during transport?

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10. Are dredge vessel maintenance and refueling practices managed to prevent fuel from entering the aquatic environment (e.g., availability of containment and spill kits)? Are any spills cleaned up immediately?

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11. Is equipment being checked regularly to minimize the potential for breakages and spills?

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12. Are generators, fuel tanks, oil containers, and other similar equipment located or housed in a manner that will contain any leaks or spills onto land or into stormwater or the aquatic environment?

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13. Are hazardous substances such as oily rags, waste oils, and fuels being stored appropriately to prevent contamination and disposed of at an appropriate facility licensed to handle this waste (as evidenced by waste receipts)?

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14. Is waste such as food wrappers, drink containers, cigarette butts, etc., being contained and disposed of appropriately onshore (e.g., kerbside disposal or recycling, or licensed waste facility) or reused/recycled?

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15. Is stormwater runoff not being contaminated by rubbish or hazardous substances (e.g., fuels and oils) in the event of rain?

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16. Is the dredge campaign being undertaken as specified within the approved DMP?

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17. Are license conditions being complied with?

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18. What are the license conditions?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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