ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

Use this ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, fostering inclusivity in your organization.

ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities

Priority 3 - Toilet Rooms

1. If toilet rooms are available to the public, is at least one toilet room accessible? (Either one for each sex or one unisex.)

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2. Are there signs at inaccessible toilet rooms that give directions to accessible toilet rooms? [2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 216.8]

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3. If not all toilet rooms are accessible, is there a sign at the accessible toilet room with the International Symbol of Accessibility? [216.8]

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Accessible Route

1. Is there an accessible route to the accessible toilet room? [206.2.4]

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Signs At Toilette Rooms

1. Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds? [703.5]

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2. Are text characters raised? [703.2]

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3. Is there Braille? [703.3]

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4. Is the sign mounted: On the wall on the latch side of the door? [703.4.2]

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5. Is the sign mounted: With clear floor space beyond the arc of the door swing between the closed position and 45-degree open position, at least 18 x 18 inches centered on the tactile characters? * [703.4.2]

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6. Is the sign mounted: So the baseline of the lowest character is at least 48 inches above the floor and the baseline of the highest character is no more than 60 inches above the floor? * [703.4.1]

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1. Is the door opening width at least 32 inches clear, between the face of the door and the stop, when the door is open 90 degrees? [404.2.3]

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2. If there is a front approach to the pull side of the door is there at least 18 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the latch side plus 60 inches of clear depth?

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3. On both sides of the door, is the floor surface of the maneuvering clearance level (no steeper than 1:48)? [404.2.4]

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4. If the threshold is vertical is it no more than ¼ inch high? OR, No more than ½ inch high with the top ¼ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed on or after the 1991 ADA

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5. Standards went into effect (1/26/93), OR, No more than ¾ inch high with the top ½ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed before the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93)? [404.2.5, 303.2]

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6. Is the door equipped with hardware that is operable with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? Door handle? Lock (if provided)? [404.2.7]

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7. Are the operable parts of the door hardware mounted no less than 34 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [404.2.7]

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8. Can the door be opened easily (5 pounds maximum force)? [404.2.9]

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9. If the door is closed, does it take at least 5 seconds to close from an open position of 90 degrees to a position of 12 degrees from the latch? [404.2.8.1]

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10. If there are two doors in a series, e.g. vestibule, is the distance between the doors at least 48 inches plus the width of the doors when swinging into the space? [404.2.6]

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11. If there is a privacy wall and the door swings out, is there at least 24 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the door latch side and 42 inches to the privacy wall? [404.2.4]

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12. If there is a privacy wall and the door swings in, is there at least 24 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the door latch side and at least 48 inches to the privacy wall if there is no door closer or at least 54 inches if there is a door closer? [404.2.4]

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In The Toilet Room

1. Is there a clear path to at least one of each type of fixture, e.g. lavatory, hand dryer, etc., that is at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1]

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2. Is there clear floor space available for a person in a wheelchair to turn around, i.e. a circle at least 60 inches in diameter or a T-shaped space within a 60-inch square? [603.2.1]

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3. In a single-user toilet room if the door swings in and over a clear floor space at an accessible fixture, is there a clear floor space at least 30 x 48 inches beyond the swing of the door? [603.2.3 Exception 2]

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4. If the mirror is over a lavatory or countertop, is the bottom edge of the reflecting surface no higher than 40 inches above the floor? OR, If the mirror is not over the lavatory or countertop, is the bottom edge of the reflecting surface no higher than 35 inches above the floor? [603.3]

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5. If there is a coat hook, is it no less than 15 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [603.4]

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1. Does at least one lavatory have a clear floor space for a forward approach at least 30 inches wide and 48 inches long? [606.2]

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2. Do no less than 17 inches and no greater than 25 inches of the clear floor space extend under the lavatory so that a person using a wheelchair can get close enough to reach the faucet [306.2]

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3. Is the front of the lavatory or counter surface, whichever is higher, no more than 34 inches above the floor? [606.3]

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4. Is there at least 27 inches of clearance from the floor to the bottom of the lavatory that extends at least 8 inches under the lavatory for knee clearance? [306.3.3]

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5. Is there toe clearance at least 9 inches high? [306.3.3]

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6. Are pipes below the lavatory insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact? [606.5]

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7. Can the faucet be operated without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? 

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8. Is the force required to activate the faucet no greater than 5 pounds? [606.4]

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Soap Dispensers And Hand Dryers

1. Are the operable parts of the soap dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Above lavatories or counters no less than 20 inches and no greater than 25 inches deep: no higher than 44 inches above the floor? [308.2.2]

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2. Are the operable parts of the soap dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Above lavatories less than 20 inches deep: no higher than 48 inches above the floor?

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3. Are the operable parts of the soap dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Not over an obstruction: no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.2]

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4. Are the operable parts of the hand dryer or towel dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Above lavatories or counters no less than 20 inches and no greater than 25 inches deep: no higher than 44 inches above the floor?

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5. Are the operable parts of the hand dryer or towel dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Above lavatories less than 20 inches deep: no higher than 48 inches above the floor?

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6. Are the operable parts of the hand dryer or towel dispenser within one of the following reach ranges: Not over an obstruction: no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.2]

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7. Can the operable parts of the hand dryer or towel dispenser be operated without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist?

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8. Is the force required to activate the hand dryer or towel dispenser no greater than 5 pounds? [309.4]

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Water Closets In Single-User Toilet Rooms And Compartments (Stalls) 

1. Is the centerline of the water closet no less than 16 inches and no greater than 18 inches from the side wall or partition? [604.2]

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2. Is clearance provided around the water closet measuring at least 60 inches from the side wall and at least 56 inches from the rear wall?* [604.3.1]

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3. Is the height of the water closet no less than 17 inches and no greater than 19 inches above the floor measured to the top of the seat? [604.4]

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4. Is there a grab bar at least 42 inches long on the side wall?

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5. Is it located no more than 12 inches from the rear wall?

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6. Does it extend at least 54 inches from the rear wall? [604.5.1]

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7. Is it mounted no less than 33 inches and no greater than 36 inches above the floor to the top of the gripping surface? [609.4]

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8. Is there at least 12 inches of clearance between the grab bar and protruding objects above?

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9. Is there at least 1½ inches of clearance between the grab bar and projecting objects below?

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10. Is the space between the wall and the grab bar 1 ½ inches? [609.3]

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11. Is there a grab bar at least 36 inches long on the rear wall?

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12. Does it extend at least 12 inches from the centerline of the water closet on one side (side wall)?

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13. Does it extend at least 24 inches on the other (open) side? [604.5.2]

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14. Is it mounted no less than 33 inches and no greater than 36 inches above the floor to the top of the gripping surface? [609.4]

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15. Is there at least 12 inches of clearance between the grab bar and protruding objects above?

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16. Is there at least 1½ inches of clearance between the grab bar and projecting objects below?

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17. Is the space between the wall and the grab bar 1½ inches? [609.3]

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18. If the flush control is hand operated, is the operable part located no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [604.6]

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19. If the flush control is hand-operated, can it be operated with one hand without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist?

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20. Is the force required to activate the flush control no greater than 5 pounds? [605.4]

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21. Is the flush control on the open side of the water closet? [604.6]

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22. Is the toilet paper dispenser located no less than 7 inches and no greater than 9 inches from the front of the water closet to the centerline of the dispenser? [604.7]

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23. Is the outlet of the dispenser: Located no less than 15 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor?

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24. Is the outlet of the dispenser: Not located behind grab bars? [604.7]

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25. Does the dispenser allow continuous paper flow? [604.7]

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Toilet Compartments (Stalls)

1. Is the door opening width at least 32 inches clear, between the face of the door and the stop, when the door is open 90 degrees? [604.8.1.2]

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2. If there is a front approach to the pull side of the door, is there at least 18 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the latch side plus 60 inches of clear depth? [604.8.1.2]

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3. Is the door self-closing? [604.8.1.2]

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4. Are there door pulls on both sides of the door that are operable with one hand and do not require tight grasping pinching or twisting of the wrist? [604.8.1.2]

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5. Is the lock operable with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? [309.4]

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6. Are the operable parts of the door hardware mounted no less than 34 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [404.2.7]

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7. Is the compartment at least 60 inches wide? [604.8.1.1]

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8. If the water closet is wall-hung, is the compartment at least 56 inches deep? [604.8.1.1]

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9. If the water closet is floor mounted, is the compartment at least 59 inches deep? [604.8.1.1]

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10. If the door swings in, is the minimum required compartment area provided beyond the swing of the door (60 inches x 56 inches if the water closet is wall-hung or 59 inches if the water closet is floor-mounted)? [604.8.1.1]

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Drinking Fountains

1. Does at least one drinking fountain have a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide x at least 48 inches long centered in front of it for a forward approach? [2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 602.2]

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2. If there is a forward approach, do no less than 17 inches and no greater than 25 inches of the clear floor space extend under the drinking fountain? [306.2.2, 306.2.3]

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3. If the drinking fountain is no deeper than 20 inches, are the operable parts no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.2.2]

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4. Can the control be operated with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist?

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5. Is the force required to activate the control no more than 5 pounds? [309.4]

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6. Is the spout outlet no higher than 36 inches above the floor? [602.4]

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7. Is the spout: At least 15 inches from the rear of the drinking fountain?

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8. Is the spout: No more than 5 inches from the front of the drinking fountain [602.5]

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9. If there is more than one drinking fountain, is there at least one for standing persons? [211.2]

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10. Is the spout outlet no lower than 38 inches and no higher than 43 inches above the floor [602.7]

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11. If the leading (bottom) edge of the fountain is higher than 27 inches above the floor, does the front of the fountain protrude no more than 4 inches into the circulation path? [307.2]

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Public Telephones

1. Does at least one telephone have clear floor space at least 30 inches wide x at least 48 inches long for a parallel or forward approach? [704.2.1]

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2. Is the highest operable part of the telephone no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [704.2.2]

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3. If the leading (bottom) edge of the telephone is higher than 27 inches above the floor, does the front of the telephone protrude no more than 4 inches into the circulation path?[307.2]

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4. Does at least one telephone have a volume control? [704.3]

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5. Is the volume control identified by a pictogram of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves? [703.7.2.3]

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6. Does at least one telephone have a TTY? [217.4.1]

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7. Is the touch surface of the TTY keypad at least 34 inches above the floor? [704.4.1]

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8. Is the TTY identified by the International Symbol of TTY? [703.7.2.2]

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9. Do signs that provide direction to public telephones also provide direction to the TTY? [216.9.2]

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10. Do telephones that do not have a TTY provide direction to the TTY? [216.9.2]

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Fire Alarm Systems

1. If there are fire alarm systems, do they have both flashing lights and audible signals? [702.1]

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Priority 1 – Approach & Entrance

1. Is there at least one route from site arrival points (parking, passenger loading zones, public sidewalks, and public transportation stops) that does not require the use of stairs? [2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 206.2.1]

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1. If parking is provided for the public, are an adequate number of accessible spaces provided? [208.2]

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2. Of the accessible spaces, is at least one a van accessible space? [208.2.4]

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3. Are accessible spaces at least 8 feet wide with an access aisle at least 5 feet wide? [502.2, 502.3]

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4. Is the van accessible space:At least 11 feet wide with an access aisle at least 5 feet wide?

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5. Is the van accessible space : At least 8 feet wide with an access aisle at least 8 feet wide? [502.2]

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6. Is at least 98 inches of vertical clearance provided for the van-accessible space? [502.5]

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7. Are the access aisles marked to discourage parking in them? [502.3.3]

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8. Is the slope of the accessible parking spaces and access aisles no steeper than 1:48 in all directions? [502.4]

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9. Do the access aisles adjoin an accessible route? [502.3]

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10. Are accessible spaces identified with a sign that includes the International Symbol of Accessibility? Is the bottom of the sign at least 60 inches above the ground? [502.6]

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11. Are there signs reading ''van accessible'' at van-accessible spaces? [502.6]

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12. Of the total parking spaces, are the accessible spaces located on the closest accessible route to the accessible entrance(s)? [208.3.1]

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Exterior Accessible Route

1. Is the route stable, firm, and slip-resistant? [302.1]

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2. Is the route at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1]

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3. If the route is greater than 200 feet in length and less than 60 inches wide, is there a passing space no less than 60 x 60 inches? [403.5.3]

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4. If there are greats or openings on the route, are the openings no larger than ½ inches? Is the long dimension perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel? [302.3]

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5. Is the running slope no steeper than 1:20, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 20 inches of route run? [403.3]

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6. Is the cross slope no steeper than 1:48? [403.3]

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Curb Ramps

1. If the accessible route crosses a curb, is there a curb ramp? [402.2]

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2. Is the running slope of the curb ramp no steeper than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of curb ramp run? [406.1, 405.2]

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3. Is the cross slope of the curb ramp, excluding flares, no steeper than 1:48? [406.1, 405.3]

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4. Is the curb ramp, excluding flares, at least 36 inches wide? [406.1, 405.5]

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5. At the top of the curb ramp is there a level landing (slope no steeper than 1:48 in all directions) that is at least 36 inches long and at least as wide as the curb ramp? [406.4]

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6. If there are curb ramp flares, are the slopes of the flares no steeper than 1:10, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 10 inches of flare run? [406.3]

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7. If the landing at the top is less than 36 inches long, are there curb ramp flares?

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8. Are the slopes of the flares no greater than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of flare run? [406.4]

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1. If there is a ramp is it at least 36 inches wide? [405.5]

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2. Is the surface stable, firm, and slip-resistant? [405.4]

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3. For each section of the ramp is the running slope no greater than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of ramp run?[405.2]

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4. Is there a level landing that is at least 60 inches long and at least as wide as the ramp [405.7.2, 4]:  At the top of the ramp ?

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5. Is there a level landing that is at least 60 inches long and at least as wide as the ramp [405.7.2, 4]: At the bottom of the ramp

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6. Is there a level landing where the ramp changes direction that is at least 60 x 60 inches? [405.7.4]

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7. If the ramp has a rise higher than 6 inches, are there handrails on both sides? [405.8]

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8. Is the top of the handrail gripping surface no less than 34 inches and no greater than 38 inches above the ramp surface? [505.4]

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9. Is the handrail gripping surface continuous and not obstructed along the top or sides? [505.3]

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10. If there are obstructions, is the bottom of the gripping surface obstructed no greater than 20%? [505.6]

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11. If the handrail gripping surface is circular, is it no less than 1 ¼ inches and no greater than 2 inches in diameter? [505.7.1]

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12. If the handrail gripping surface is non-circular:  Is the perimeter no less than 4 inches and no greater than 6¼ inches? 

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13. If the handrail gripping surface is non-circular: Is the cross section no greater than 2¼ inches? [505.7.2]

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14. Does the handrail : Extend at least 12 inches horizontally beyond the top and bottom of the ramp

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15. Does the handrail : Return to a wall, guard, or landing surface? [505.10.1]

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16. To prevent wheelchair casters and crutch tips from falling off : Does the surface of the ramp extend at least 12 inches beyond the inside face of the handrail?

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17. To prevent wheelchair casters and crutch tips from falling off : Is there a curb or barrier that prevents the passage of a 4-inch diameter sphere? [405.9.1, 405.9.2]

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1. Is the main entrance accessible?

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2. If the main entrance is not accessible, is there an alternative accessible entrance?

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3. Can the alternative accessible entrance be used independently and during the same hours as the main entrance?

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4. Do all inaccessible entrances have signs indicating the location of the nearest accessible entrance? [216.6]

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5. If not all entrances are accessible, is there a sign at the accessible entrance with the International Symbol of Accessibility? [216.6]

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6. Is the clear opening width of the accessible entrance door at least 32 inches, between the face of the door and the stop, when the door is open 90 degrees? [404.2.3]

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7. If there is a front approach to the pull side of the door, is there at least 18 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the latch side plus at least 60 inches of clear depth? On both sides of the door, is the ground or floor surface of the maneuvering clearance level (no steeper than 1:48)? [404.2.4]

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8. If the threshold is vertical is it no more than ¼ inch high? OR, No more than ½ inch high with the top ¼ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed on or after the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93), OR, No more than ¾ inch high with the top ½ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed before the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93)? [404.2.5, 303.2]

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9. Is the door equipped with hardware that is operable with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? Door handle? Lock (if provided)? [404.2.7]

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10. Are the operable parts of the door hardware no less than 34 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor or ground surface? [404.2.7]

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11. If the door is closer, does it take at least 5 seconds to close from an open position of 90 degrees to a position of 12 degrees from the latch? [404.2.8]

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12. If there are two doors in a series, e.g. vestibule, is the distance between the doors at least 48 inches plus the width of the doors when swinging into the space? [404.2.6]

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13. If provided at the building entrance, are carpets or mats no higher than ½ inch thick? [302.2]

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14. Are edges of carpets or mats securely attached to minimize tripping hazards? [302.2]

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Priority 2 - Access To Goods And Services

1. Does the accessible entrance provide direct access to the main floor, lobby, and elevator? [See 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design – 206.4]

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Interior Accessible Route

1. Are all public spaces on at least one accessible route? [206.2.4]

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2. Is the route stable, firm, and slip-resistant? [40.2, 302.1]

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3. Is the route at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1]

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4. If the route is greater than 200 feet in length and less than 60 inches wide, is there a passing space no less than 60 x 60 inches? [403.5.3]

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5. Is the running slope no steeper than 1:20, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 20 inches of route run? [403.3]

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6. Is the cross slope no steeper than 1:48? [403.3]

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7. Do all objects on circulation paths through public areas, e.g. fire extinguishers, drinking fountains, signs, etc., protrude no more than 4 inches into the path? OR, If an object protrudes more than 4 inches, is the bottom leading edge 27 inches or lower above the floor? [307.2], OR, Is the bottom leading edge 80 inches or higher above the floor [307.4]

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8. Are there elevators or platform lifts for all public stories?

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1. If there is a ramp, is it at least 36 inches wide? [405.5]

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2. Is the surface stable, firm, and slip-resistant? [405.4]

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3. For each section of the ramp, is the running slope no greater than 1:12, i.e. for every inch of height change there are at least 12 inches of ramp run? [405.2]

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4. Is there a level landing that is at least 60 inches long and at least as wide as the ramp: At the top of the ramp?

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5. Is there a level landing that is at least 60 inches long and at least as wide as the ramp: At the bottom of the ramp? [405.7.2, 405.7.3]

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6. Is there a level landing where the ramp changes direction that is at least 60 x 60 inches? [405.7.4]

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7. If the ramp has a rise higher than 6 inches are there handrails on both sides? [405.8]

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8. Is the top of the handrail gripping surface no less than 34 inches and no greater than 38 inches above the ramp surface? [505.4]

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9. Is the handrail gripping surface continuous and not obstructed along the top or sides? [505.3]

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10. If there are obstructions, is the bottom of the gripping surface obstructed no more than 20%? [505.6]

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11. If the handrail gripping surface is circular, is it no less than 1 ¼ inches and no greater than 2 inches in diameter? [505.7.1]

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12. If the handrail gripping surface is non-circular: Is the perimeter no less than 4 inches and no greater than 6¼ inches?

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13. If the handrail gripping surface is non-circular: Is the cross section no greater than 2¼ inches in diameter [505.7.2]

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14. Does the handrail : Extend at least 12 inches horizontally beyond the top and bottom of the ramp

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15. Does the handrail: Return to a wall, guard, or landing surface? [505.10.1]

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16. To prevent wheelchair casters and crutch tips from falling off: Does the surface of the ramp extend at least 12 inches beyond the inside face of the handrail?

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17. To prevent wheelchair casters and crutch tips from falling off: Is there a curb or barrier that prevents the passage of a 4-inch diameter sphere? [405.9.1, 405.9.2]

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Elevators - Full Size And LULA (limited Use, Limited Application)

1. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator, are the call buttons no higher than 54 inches above the floor? [407.2.1.1]

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2. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator, does the sliding door reopen automatically when obstructed by an object or person? [407.3.3]

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3. If there is a LULA elevator with a swinging door: Is the door power-operated?

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4. If there is a LULA elevator with a swinging door: Does the door remain open for at least 20 seconds when activated [403.3.2]

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5. If there is a full-size elevator: Is the interior at least 54 inches deep by at least 36 inches wide with at least 16 sq. ft. of clear floor area?

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6. If there is a full-size elevator: Is the door opening width at least 32 inches? [407.4.1 Exception]

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7. If there is a LULA elevator, is the interior: At least 51 inches deep by 51 inches wide with a door opening width of at least 36 inches? (OR)

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8. If there is a LULA elevator, is the interior: At least 54 inches deep by at least 36 inches wide with at least 15 sq. ft. of clear floor area and a door opening width of at least 32 inches? [408.4.1 Exceptions 1 and 2]

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9. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator, are the in-car controls: No less than 15 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor?

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10. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator, are the in-car controls: Up to 54 inches above the floor for a parallel approach? [408.4.6, 407.4.6.1]

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11. If there is a LULA elevator, are the in-car controls centered on a side wall? [408.4.6]

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12. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Are the car control buttons designated with raised characters?

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13. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Are the car control buttons designated with Braille? [407.4.7.1, 703.2]

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14. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator, are there audible signals that sound as the car passes or is about to stop at a floor? [407.4.8]

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15. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Is there a sign on both door jambs on every floor identifying the floor?

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16. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Is there a tactile star on both jambs at the main entry level?

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17. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds?

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18. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Are text characters raised?

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19. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Is there Braille?

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20. If there is a full-size or LULA elevator: Is the sign mounted between 48 inches to the baseline of the lowest character and 60 inches to the baseline of the highest character above the floor? [407.2.3, 408.2.3]

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Platform Lifts

1. If a lift is provided, can it be used without assistance from others? [410.1]

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2. Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide or 48 inches long for a person using a wheelchair to approach and reach the controls to use the lift? [410.5]

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3. Are the lift controls no less than 15 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [410.5]

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4. Is there a clear floor space at least 36 inches wide by at least 48 inches long inside the lift? [410.3]

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5. If there is an end door, is the clear opening width at least 42 inches? [410.6]

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6. If there is a side door, is the clear opening width at least 42 inches? [410.6]

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1. If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs [216.2] : Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds? [703.5]

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2. If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs [216.2]: Are text characters raised? [703.2]

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3. If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs [216.2]: Is there Braille? [703.3]

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4. If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs [216.2]: Is the sign mounted: On the wall on the latch side of the door? [703.4.2]

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5. If there are signs designating permanent rooms and spaces not likely to change over time, e.g. room numbers and letters, room names, and exit signs [216.2]: So the baseline of the lowest character is at least 48 inches above the floor and the baseline of the highest character is no more than 60 inches above the floor? [703.4.1]

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6. If there are signs that provide direction to or information about interior spaces: Do text characters contrast with their backgrounds? [703.5.1]

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7. If there are signs that provide direction to or information about interior spaces: Is the sign mounted so that characters are at least 40 inches above the floor? [703.5.6]

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Interior Doors – To Classrooms, Medical Exam Rooms, Conference Rooms, Etc

1. Is the door opening width at least 32 inches clear, between the face of the door and the stop, when the door is open 90 degrees? [404.2.3]

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2. If there is a front approach to the pull side of the door, is there at least 18 inches of maneuvering clearance beyond the latch side plus at least 60 inches of clear depth?

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3. On both sides of the door, is the floor surface of the maneuvering clearance level (no steeper than 1:48)? [404.2.4]

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4. If the threshold is vertical is it no more than ¼ inch high? OR, No more than ½ inch high with the top ¼ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed on or after the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93), OR, No more than ¾ inch high with the top ½ inch beveled no steeper than 1:2 if the threshold was installed before the 1991 ADA Standards went into effect (1/26/93)? [404.2.5, 303.2]

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5. Is the door equipped with hardware that is operable with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? Door handle? Lock (if provided) [404.2.7]

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6. Are the operable parts of the hardware no less than 34 inches and no greater than 48 inches above the floor? [404.2.7]

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7. Can the door be opened easily (5 pounds maximum force)? [404.2.9]

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8. If the door is closed, does it take at least 5 seconds to close from an open position of 90 degrees to a position of 12 degrees from the latch? [404.2.8.1]

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Rooms And Spaces - Stores, Supermarkets, Etc.

1. Are aisles and pathways to goods and services, and to one of each type of sales and service counters, at least 36 inches wide? [403.5.1]

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2. Are floor surfaces stable, firm, and slip-resistant? [302.1]

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3. If there is carpet: Is it no higher than ½ inch?

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4. If there is carpet: Is it securely attached along the edges? [302.2]

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Controls – Light Switches, Security, And Intercom Systems, Emergency/alarm Boxes, Etc

1. Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a forward or parallel approach? [305.3]

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2. Are the operable parts no higher than 48 inches above the floor?[309.3,308]

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3. Can the control be operated with one hand and without tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist? [309.4]

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Seating: Assembly Areas - Theaters, Auditoriums, Stadiums, Theater Styles Classrooms, Etc

1. Are an adequate number of wheelchair spaces provided? [221.2.1]

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2. Are wheelchair spaces dispersed to allow location choices and viewing angles equivalent to other seating, including specialty seating areas that provide distinct services and amenities? [221.2.3]

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3. Where people are expected to remain seated, do people in wheelchair spaces have a clear line of sight over and between the heads of others in front of them? [802.2.1.1, 802.1.1.2]

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4. Where people are expected to stand, do people in wheelchair spaces have a clear line of sight over and between the heads of others in front of them? [802.2.2.1, 802.1.2.2]

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5. If there is a single wheelchair space, is it at least 36 inches wide? [802.1.2]

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6. If there are two adjacent wheelchair spaces, are they each at least 33 inches wide? [802.1.2]

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7. If the wheelchair space can be entered from the front or rear, is it at least 48 inches deep? [802.1.3]

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8. If the wheelchair space can only be entered from the side, is it at least 60 inches deep? [802.1.3]

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9. Do wheelchair spaces adjoin, but not overlap, accessible routes? [802.1.4]

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10. Is there at least one companion seat for each wheelchair space? [221.3]

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11. Is the companion seat located so the companion is shoulder-to-shoulder with the person in a wheelchair? [802.3.1]

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12. Is the companion seat equivalent in size, quality, comfort, and amenities to seating in the immediate area? [802.3.2]

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Seating: At Dining Surfaces (restaurants, Cafeterias, Bars, Etc.) And Non-employee Work Surfaces (libraries, Conference Rooms, Etc.)

1. Are at least 5%, but no fewer than one, of seating and standing spaces accessible for people who use wheelchairs? [226.1]

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2. Is there a route at least 36 inches wide to accessible seating? [403.5.1]

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3. At the accessible space(s), is the top of the accessible surface no less than 28 inches and no greater than 34 inches above the floor? [902.3]

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4. Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a forward approach? [305.3]

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5. Does it extend no less than 17 inches and no greater than 25 inches under the surface?

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6. Is there knee space at least 27 inches high and at least 30 inches wide? [306.2, 306.3]

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Seating: General – Reception Areas, Waiting Rooms, Etc.

1. Is there at least one space at least 36 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a person in a wheelchair? [802.1.2, 802.1.3]

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Benches – In Locker Rooms, Dressing Rooms, Fitting Rooms

1. In locker rooms, dressing rooms, and fitting rooms, is there at least one room with a bench? [222.1, 803.4]

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2. Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long at the end of the bench and parallel to the short axis of the bench?

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3. Is the bench seat at least 42 inches long and no less than 20 inches and no greater than 24 inches deep?

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4. Does the bench have back support or is it affixed to a wall?

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5. Is the top of the bench seat no less than 17 inches and no greater than 19 inches above the floor? [903]

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Check-Out Aisles – Supermarkets, Large Retail Stores, Etc.

1. Is the aisle at least 36 inches wide? [904.3.1]

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2. Is the counter surface of at least one aisle no higher than 38 inches above the floor? [904.3.2]

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3. Is the top of the counter edge protection no higher than 2 inches above the counter surface? [904.3.2]

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4. If there is a check writing surface, is the top no less than 28 inches and no greater than 34 inches above the floor? [904.3.3]

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5. If there is more than one check-out aisle is there a sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility at the accessible aisle? [216.11]

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Sales & Service Counters – Banks, Stores, Dry Cleaners, Auto Repair Shops, Fitness Clubs, Etc.

1. Is there a portion of at least one of each type of counter that is: No higher than 36 inches above the floor?

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2. Is there a portion of at least one of each type of counter that is: At least 36 inches long? [904.4.1]

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3. Does the accessible portion of the counter extend the same depth as the countertop? [904.4]

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4. Is there a clear floor space at least 30 inches wide by at least 48 inches long for a forward or parallel approach? [904.4]

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5. For a parallel approach, is the clear floor space positioned with the 48 inches adjacent to the accessible length of the counter? [904.4.1]

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6. For a forward approach: Do no less than 17 and no greater than 25 inches of the clear floor space extend under the accessible length of the counter? [306.2.2, 306.2.3]

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7. For a forward approach: Is there at least 27 inches of clearance from the floor to the bottom of the counter? [306.3.1]

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8. Does at least one of each type of self-service shelf or dispensing device for tableware, dishware, condiments, food, and beverages have a forward or parallel approach? [904.5.1]

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9. If there is an unobstructed parallel approach, is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.3.1]

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10. If there is a shallow obstruction no deeper than 10 inches with a parallel approach, is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.3.1]

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11. If there is an obstruction no less than 10 inches and no greater than 24 inches deep with a parallel approach, is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 46 inches above the floor? [308.3.2]

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12. If there is an unobstructed forward approach, is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [308.2.1]

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13. If there is an obstruction no deeper than 20 inches with a forward approach: Does clear floor space extend under the obstruction that is at least the same depth as the obstruction?

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14. If there is an obstruction no deeper than 20 inches with a forward approach: Is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 48 inches above the floor? [904.5.1]

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15. If the obstruction is no less than 20 inches and no greater than 25 inches deep with a forward approach: Does clear floor space extend under the obstruction that is at least the same depth as the obstruction?

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16. If the obstruction is no less than 20 inches and no greater than 25 inches deep with a forward approach: Is the shelf or dispensing device no higher than 44 inches above the floor? [904.5.1]

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17. If there is a tray slide, is the top no less than 28 inches and no greater than 34 inches above the floor? [904.5.2]

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