Use this WHS Checklist as a template for internal inspections, to ensure your workplace compliance with Australia's WHS (Work Health & Safety) regulations.
9. Is the day-to-day behavioural status of higher-risk clients monitored and recorded, with relevant information communicated to the next shift of employees/volunteers?
21. Are policies in place that clearly state that employees and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in a personal and/or sexual relationship with clients?
3. Is there a procedure in place requiring communication equipment to be switched on at all times when working away from the building, and emergency numbers are programmed into phones?
4. Are there procedures in place requiring staff working away from the building to call in frequently (e.g., on arrival and departure from a client's home)?
12. Are employees trained in in-home visit procedures (e.g., maintaining a clear line of exit, keeping car keys and diary secure, parking car to enable speedy exit)?