TACCP Risk Assessment Template

Use the TACCP Risk Assessment Template (Threat Assessment Critical Control Points) to identify and assess food safety risks, evaluate control measures.

TACCP Risk Assessment Template

Threats And Vulnerabilities

1. Is the threat assessed to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities that could present danger or harm?

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2. Is the threat analyzed to evaluate how to mitigate each risk, examining how it could be prevented, contained, or eliminated?

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3. Is there a response plan created for each identified threat and vulnerability, detailing how it will be addressed?

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4. Is there a process established to monitor each identified threat and vulnerability continuously?

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5. Are all findings, strategies, and any changes made to the process documented?

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Control Measures

1. Are appropriate controls formulated to mitigate any threats or vulnerabilities?

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2. Are control measures implemented to actively reduce or eliminate the threat risk, such as additional inspections or processes?

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3. Are control measures regularly checked to ensure they function correctly and that any identified risks remain mitigated?

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4. Are control measures reviewed and evaluated periodically to ensure they remain effective?

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5. Are changes made to existing control measures if necessary, and are new controls placed as required?

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Other Measures

1. Is training provided to staff on Threat Assessment Critical Control Points and how to use the TACCP risk assessment checklist?

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2. Is communication ensured so that all relevant parties are informed of any Threat Assessment Critical Control Points changes?

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3. Are all TACCP processes, findings, control measures, and changes documented?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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