Store Manager Checklist

Use the Store Manager Checklist to optimize retail store operations by making initial preparations, checking the cash register, delegating tasks, etc.

Store Manager Checklist

Initial Preparation

1. Does the responsible party arrive at the store at least 15 minutes, or even 30, before opening to ensure it is prepared and ready for business?

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2. Does the responsible party clock in upon arrival at the store, ensuring their GPS location is tagged?

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3. Upon entering the store, are the lights turned on?

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4. Is the security alarm turned off within 30 seconds upon arrival?

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Prepping The Store

1. Does the responsible party ensure everything is ready to go, checking for spillage, removing products from the floor, and addressing any issues like putting up the "wet floor" sign if needed?

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2. Are all tags on racks reviewed to ensure they are clear and correct, including price tags, sales prices, promotion tags, and size tags?

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3. Is the cash register prepared with sufficient funds, including the correct quantity of bills and coins as specified?

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4. Are all electronic systems, including computers (for stock checking, inventory, emails, etc.) music systems, TV screens, and working displays, switched on to create a comfortable environment for customers and efficient working conditions?

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5. Is the air conditioning or heat turned on to maintain a comfortable temperature for both staff and customers while in the store?

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6. Are the outside displays organized and is clutter removed to ensure customers are not exposed to a mess before entering the store?

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Delegating Tasks

1. Does the store manager ensure that employees know their tasks for the shift, including cleaning - the floor, windows, restroom, and changing rooms?

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2. Does the store manager ensure that employees know their tasks for the shift, including restocking - shop shelves and controlling stock levels

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3. Does the store manager ensure that employees know their tasks for the shift, including merchandising - adding correct sales signs, effective layout displayed, etc.?

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4. Are scheduled breaks and lunch hours communicated to employees to ensure everything runs smoothly?

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Final Checks

1. Is a meeting held to inform employees of their goals for the day, their tasks, and their schedule?

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2. Do employees conduct a final check of the store to ensure all preparations are complete?

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3. To open the store does the responsible party unlock the doors and flip the sign to “open”?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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