SALSA Beer Audit Checklist

Use this SALSA + Beer Audit checklist for self-assessments of compliance to the SALSA Food and Drink Production Standard for breweries.

SALSA Beer Audit Checklist

Training And Supervision

1. Is there a training procedure in place to provide evidence that all staff can competently carry out their specific job function?

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2. Are temporary personnel trained commensurate with their activity before starting work, and are records kept?

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3. Is there a program and records for annual refresher training in place for food handlers and key staff?

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4. Are all personnel adequately supervised throughout the working period?

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Personal Hygiene

1. Is there a personal hygiene procedure in place with controls to reduce the risk of contamination from personnel and personal items? Is it evident that these rules are understood and implemented by all personnel to prevent product contamination?

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2. Is suitable workwear worn by employees, visitors, and contractors in food handling/storage areas, and is it suitable for the food being handled? Is protective clothing changed as necessary and laundered hygienically, or if disposable, controlled to avoid product contamination?

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3. Are designated changing facilities provided for all personnel entering food handling/storage areas where protective clothing is required?

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4. Is there a procedure set in place that describes the type of protective clothing to be worn, how to wear it, and the order of changing when entering or leaving the designated changing area during the production of High Risk/High Care products?

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5. Is the consumption of food and drink prohibited within food production and storage areas?

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6. Is hand cleaning performed before entering production, handling food, after visiting the toilet, and at a frequency appropriate to minimize the risk to the product?

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7. Does the business have a procedure for establishing the health status of food handlers and for the notification of relevant infectious diseases or conditions by employees, temporary employees, contractors, and visitors?

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1. Are all areas of the site visually clean and tidy, with suitable cleaning and housekeeping standards to minimize the potential for product contamination?

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2. Are documented cleaning schedules, procedures, and records in place for the building, services, plant, and all equipment, whether direct or indirect food contact?

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3. Are there documented controls in place for the safe and effective use of cleaning chemicals to prevent contamination of the product?

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4. Is the verification of the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting processes routinely completed, with records kept?

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5. Is there an environmental sampling plan in place for high-risk/high-care areas to test for the presence or absence of Listeria species, with appropriate records kept?

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6. Are tests in place to verify that the final packaging and containers have been properly cleaned and are empty?

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7. Do procedures exist to ensure the cleaning of casks and kegs, including measures to prevent beer contamination from both the cask and the cleaning process?

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8. Has a risk assessment been conducted to determine how often the brewing plant should undergo a caustic cleaning, and is this frequency documented and followed accordingly?

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Allergen Management

1. Have all allergens handled on-site or brought onto the site been identified, and is there documentation of the risk of cross-contamination?

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2. Is there an allergen management procedure and controls implemented at all stages of production to prevent or minimize the potential for cross-contamination, with records kept?

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3. Are allergen information on labels and printed packaging legal and accurate?

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4. If allergen suitability claims are made for a product, is the information provided on labels and labeling determined using validated, accredited testing methods?

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Process, Environment & Equipment Control

1. Are documented process controls monitored to ensure products can be made consistently in compliance with recipes and finished product specifications?

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2. Are documented environmental controls monitored to ensure facilities are adequate to maintain raw materials, work-in-progress, finished products, and packaging within a safe temperature range and, where applicable, under controlled humidity, atmospheric, or other environmental parameters?

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3. Are procedures in place to establish the safety status of the product in case of equipment failure?

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4. Are environmental monitoring devices such as temperature probes and recorders and process control devices such as weighing equipment & metal detection calibrated to ensure accuracy within defined parameters at a predetermined frequency?

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5. Are metal control or detection procedures documented and subject to recorded inspection and/or testing?

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6. Are all measuring devices and equipment used for monitoring production processes and product quality regularly checked and adjusted if necessary?

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7. Are procedures for quantity control in place to ensure the product complies with Weights and Measures legislative requirements?

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8. Does the business effectively control filling operations in terms of quantity (volume), cleaning, and foreign body control?

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9. Are maintenance checks in place, especially for 'plate heat exchangers' using glycol, to ensure that the product is at a higher pressure than the coolant?

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10. Are appropriate pressure differential tests in place for beer or water that undergo sterile filtration?

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Control Of Suppliers & Raw Materials

1. Is there a procedure detailing how all suppliers of raw materials, including packaging and processing aids, are approved? Is the approved supplier list kept current and reviewed annually, considering the risks relevant to the supplier and raw materials supplied?

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2. Are specifications held on-site and kept current for all raw materials, including food contact packaging and processing aids?

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3. Is there a procedure in place to describe the documented checks required on incoming raw materials, including food contact packaging and processing aids?

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4. Has a documented risk assessment related to food fraud, adulteration, or substitution been conducted on all raw materials, including food contact packaging, and is it reviewed annually?

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5. Is the water supply, including stored mains water or private water supply, potable and not presenting a contamination risk to products?

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6. Are malt and hops stored in such a way as to prevent deterioration or contamination?

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Stock Control

1. Is stock rotation controlled to ensure that raw materials and work in progress are used within their allocated shelf-life?

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2. Are records kept to show that surplus products or those that do not meet specifications and are sold to staff or passed to other organizations are fit for consumption, meet legal requirements, and are traceable?

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3. Does the ullage system meet HMRC requirements?

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Waste Control

1. Is there a procedure detailing how the accumulation of waste in handling and storage areas is minimized prior to its removal?

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2. Are internal and external waste collection containers and compactors clearly identified and managed to minimize the risk of contamination and pest harborages?

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3. Are products that require specific conditions for disposal separated and disposed of using licensed contractors?

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4. Is it included in the HACCP plan if spent grain, yeast, or ullage is sold or provided for animal feed, especially when the product from the animals will continue through the food chain?

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5. Is recycling or purification conducted where it is economically feasible? And are effluent plants positioned in a way that doesn't affect the product?

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Pest Control

1. Are all premises designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize the risk of pest infestation?

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2. Are the services of a competent pest control operator contracted for the regular inspection and treatment of premises, with clearly defined inspection frequencies reflecting site activities and reviewed at least annually?

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3. Are the locations of all pest control measures identified on a plan/diagram of the site and reviewed at least annually?

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4. Are regular inspections conducted, with records kept including details of any pest activity and pest control treatments undertaken?

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5. Are the results of pest control inspections assessed and analyzed for trends at least annually, with corrective actions taken to eliminate further risk to product safety when trends are identified?

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6. Are baits and other materials applied and used according to documented safe use instructions, with these instructions held on-site?

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1. Is equipment fit for purpose, constructed of appropriate materials, designed for hygienic processing, and not a source of foreign body contamination?

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1. Is there a program of planned maintenance in place for premises and equipment?

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2. Does the business ensure that the safety, legality, and quality of the product are not jeopardized during maintenance operations, especially in high-risk/high-care areas, where tools and equipment should be dedicated?

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Vehicle Management, Storage & Distribution Control

1. Is transport used for the distribution of products fit for purpose and capable of maintaining the integrity and safety of the product?

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2. Are procedures in place to manage the security of the vehicle and load during transit, including loading and unloading, and are these procedures documented and understood by drivers and delivery staff?

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3. When using third-party hauliers/distributors and storage facilities, is there a documented agreement in place to ensure product integrity and safety are not compromised?

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4. When distributing products via couriers or the postal service, are products suitably packaged to ensure their integrity and safety during distribution to the customer?

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HACCP System

1. Has a documented HACCP system been developed and maintained with a scope that describes which products and processes are covered? Is the HACCP team or person trained and able to demonstrate competence in understanding HACCP principles and their application?

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2. Are product descriptions written for each product or product category, including all relevant safety factors and information? Does business management demonstrate awareness of food standards, legal regulations, and industry codes of practice applying to the products they produce, trade, handle, store, and/or distribute?

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3. Is the intended use of each product group identified based on the expected uses by the end-user or consumer?

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4. Has a flow diagram been constructed to cover each product or product category and process as outlined in the scope of the SALSA audit, including all operational steps from raw material receipt through processing, rework, storage, and distribution?

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5. Has the HACCP team conducted a Hazard Analysis by identifying the cause/source of any microbiological, physical, chemical, and allergen hazards at each operational step?

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6. Have control measures and/or prerequisite controls relating to the hazards at each process step been identified?

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7. Has a risk assessment been conducted for each microbiological, physical, chemical, and allergen hazard identified, and have significant hazards been identified?

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8. Have Critical Control Points been determined for significant hazards, if any?

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9. Have critical limits been established for each control measure at each Critical Control Point, and have they been validated?

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10. Has a monitoring procedure and system been established for each Critical Control Point?

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11. Is there an effective corrective action plan in place for when monitoring indicates that a Critical Control Limit has not been met?

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12. Are monitoring procedures and records in place to verify the effectiveness of critical limits and controls?

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13. Are documents and records maintained to demonstrate the effective implementation and monitoring of the HACCP system, commensurate with the nature and size of the business?

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14. Is a documented HACCP system review conducted annually and before any changes in raw materials, recipes, processing, equipment, packaging, storage, or distribution are introduced?

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15. Is there at least one person present during production who can demonstrate an understanding of the HACCP plan, controls, and corrective actions?

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Food Safety Systems Review

1. Is a food safety and internal systems review carried out and recorded at least annually, including all requirements of the SALSA Standard, and are areas for action or improvement identified?

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2. Is there a timetable for completing actions and improvements identified in the food safety systems review?

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Non-Conformance Investigation & Corrective Action

1. Are controls in place to identify, record, and manage non-conforming materials at all stages of production and throughout all processes, from intake to despatch including customer complaints?

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2. Are procedures in place to investigate, record, and remedy the cause of any product, process, or procedural non-conformance?

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3. Is there a procedure to ensure that product complaints are logged, investigated, and responded to?

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1. Is there a procedure detailing the traceability system of all raw materials, including food contact packaging, throughout all stages of production from intake to despatch and delivery to customers, and backward from customer to raw material supplier?

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2. Does the traceability system ensure that all raw materials, including food contact packaging and intermediate products, are identified and traceable at all stages of production and storage?

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3. Is traceability of products tested forwards and backward at least annually, and more frequently if there are known risks in the supply chain?

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Managing Incidents

1. Is there a procedure giving clear guidance on the response to any incident that may compromise the safety and/or legality of a product?

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2. Is the incident procedure reviewed and tested at least annually to ensure its effectiveness, and are records kept?

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3. Is SALSA informed in the event of a product recall, withdrawal, improvement notice, or legal proceedings related to the safety and/or legality of a product within 3 working days, with a summary of the subsequent investigation sent to SALSA?

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Document Control

1. Does a procedure detail the control of documents and records relating to the safety, legality, and quality of products?

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2. Are all documents and completed records relating to the safety, legality, and quality of products genuine, legible, retained in good condition, and stored securely for at least the shelf-life of the products plus one year?

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Manufacturing & Finished Product Specifications

1. Are specifications for recipes and finished products adequate, accurate, and kept current?

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2. Do specifications include defined limits for microbiological, physical, and chemical parameters that may affect the safety and/or quality of a finished product?

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3. Are procedures, working instructions, and records clearly legible and readily accessible at all times?

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Labeling Control

1. Are procedures in place to ensure all product labels and labeling information at the point of sale, including e-commerce, websites, and leaflets, conform to legislative and customer requirements?

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2. Is there evidence to support the use of claims on finished product labels and labeling information, including provenance, suitability, production method, nutritional/health claims, or logo claims?

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3. Does a procedure detail how the correct label or printed packaging is applied to the product, with records kept?

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Product Shelf-Life & Product Testing

1. Is the shelf-life applied to products validated to ensure the safety and quality of the product, with records kept?

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2. Is a finished product testing program in place to ensure compliance with specifications, with records kept?

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3. Are accredited laboratories used for all tests critical to product safety or legality?

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Premises Approval

1. Is the production site registered with or approved by the site’s appropriate authority, with documented reports from the appropriate authority available and held on file for inspection?

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2. Is the brewery registered with HMRC and the AWRS (except when it sells only from the 'brewery gate')?

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3. Does the brewery have adequate product liability insurance?

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External Areas & Product Security

1. Have external factors affecting the location that may contaminate or affect the integrity of products been assessed?

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2. Are the perimeter, grounds, drainage, external storage, and utilities maintained in good order?

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3. Is there a food security/defense plan in place describing product security threats and how they are controlled, including measures to ensure only authorized personnel have access to production and storage areas on site? Are digital records protected in case of digital failure and digital cyber security attacks?

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Site Layout & Methods Of Working

1. Is there a site plan showing how layout and methods of working minimize the potential for unintended physical, chemical, microbiological, or allergen contamination of products and packaging at all process steps?

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2. Are the factory layout, flow of processes, and movement of personnel managed to prevent the risk of cross-contamination and ensure effective segregation between products where required?

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Structure, Services & Fabrication

1. Is the building structure, including walls, ceilings, doors, floors, drains, and lighting, sound, fit for purpose, and regularly maintained?

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2. Are building services such as ventilation, compressed air, and steam sound, fit for purpose, and regularly maintained?

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3. Are suitable and sufficient hand cleaning facilities provided?

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4. Are changing facilities provided and sited to avoid external contamination after changing into protective clothing? Do toilets not open directly into handling or storage areas?

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5. Are facilities for tray and utensil washing and general-purpose cleaning adequately segregated from product handling and storage?

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6. Are glass and breakables control procedures documented, including a list of relevant items and recorded checks?

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7. Is cleaning and/or replacing light fittings and glass carried out in a manner to minimize the potential for product contamination?

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8. Are procedures in place to prevent contamination by foreign bodies, including wood and plastic, and from building structures, services, and/or fabrication?

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Legal And Quality Requirements

1. Is an Alcohol by Volume (ABV) analysis conducted to meet HMRC requirements?

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2. Is an Alcohol by Volume (ABV) analysis of cask and bottle-conditioned beer undertaken at the end of conditioning?

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3. Is the beer tasted to ensure it meets product specification(s) and is of good quality before packaging, and are the tasters experienced and/or trained?

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4. Is routine analysis used to check the tasters' assessment of bitterness, etc.?

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5. Are microbiological tests undertaken on both beer and yeast to ensure that beer meets industry guidelines and yeast has sufficient viability?

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6. Is Apparent Total N-nitroso Compounds (ATNC) analysis used as an overall measure of plant hygiene?

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7. If beer is packed at another site, are precautions in place to ensure quality is retained?

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BFBI Requirements

1. Is the culture of brewers and distillers on the BFBi register directed towards achieving standards of safety and quality that reflect the importance of feed materials in the human food chain?

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2. Has a formal risk assessment been carried out with the aim of identifying and controlling any hazard that may affect feed safety and quality? Is there a HACCP document produced, reviewed, and revised annually to ensure procedures remain current and accurate?

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3. Do brewers and distillers carry out an annual program of internal audits to ensure compliance with the company's own formal procedures and the current BFBi standard, and are areas of non-compliance corrected and documented? Is the BFBI audit and self-assessment checklist completed annually, and are copies of the completed checklist and supporting documentation sent to BFBI unless a BFBI site visit is carried out?

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4. Are details of each supplier recorded, and is a written specification obtained for each raw material, with evidence that appropriate and satisfactory checks have been made by the supplier for pesticide residues, mycotoxins, and heavy metals?

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5. Do brewers/distillers take reasonable precautions to limit the accumulation of dust and other extraneous materials in storage and processing areas?

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6. If breweries use pre-milled malt, do they have confirmation from their malt supplier that they have suitable controls (e.g., magnets and/or sieves) to remove extraneous objects? Do breweries milling malt on-site ensure they have confirmation from their malt supplier that they have suitable controls (e.g., magnets and/or sieves) to remove extraneous objects, and do they subject the brewery mill to regular checks?

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7. Are feed materials sold with a written specification, and are specifications agreed upon and signed by members and customers/purchasers?

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8. Are feed materials allowed to deteriorate prior to dispatch?

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9. Are declarations accompanying each consignment of brewers' grains, draff, or yeast leaving the brewery/distillery that identify the source, and is traceability through the production process to the batch of raw material used demonstrated?

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10. Is a sample of each consignment of feed material retained for a period of 6 months unless a risk assessment suggests otherwise in a suitable manner to permit the investigation of any feed problems?

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11. Will all members' feed materials be subject to regular random testing, undertaken by BFBi, based on risk assessment and in accordance with the FEMAS calculator requirements? Is the frequency and scope of analysis based on risk assessment taking into account potential microbiological and chemical contaminants and statutory requirements e.g. mycotoxins, dioxins, heavy metals and pesticide residues?

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12. Is analysis of raw materials and feed products undertaken using a suitable laboratory to demonstrate the production of safe feed materials and that they meet statutory requirements?

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13. When the FEMAS Calculator specifies a testing regime for a particular undesirable substance associated with a given feed material, do participants use the higher testing frequency if their hazard analysis suggests it is necessary?

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14. Is the testing methodology robust enough to ensure both the safety of the raw materials used and the feed ingredients supplied? Does the nature and frequency of tests carried out show consideration of the volume and potential risks associated with the raw materials and feed ingredients concerned?

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15. Is there evidence available to show that feed ingredients meet acceptable and, if applicable, statutory standards for levels of undesirable substances such as mycotoxins, dioxins, heavy metals, and pesticide residues?

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16. Do participants, as a minimum, carry out tests for undesirable substances according to the frequencies indicated by the FEMAS Calculator for each of the feed materials they supply? Should participants seeking derogation from the minimum analysis frequency contact the authorized certification body?

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17. Are sampling and testing schedules for microbiological analysis the responsibility of the designated 'Quality Manager'?

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18. Can participants demonstrate that the level of microbiological sampling and testing carried out ensures the safety of any feed ingredients supplied?

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19. Under some circumstances, is microbiological testing carried out on buildings and equipment, and do appropriate records exist to show that correct methods are being used and, where necessary, corrective action implemented?

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20. Are the methods of analysis employed in laboratories appropriate for the raw materials and feed ingredients being tested?

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21. Are the effectiveness of testing laboratories regularly reviewed and approved by one of the following means? i) Accreditation by a nationally recognized accreditation authority according to EN-ISO17025 for the test under consideration. ii) Validation by participating in relevant ring tests. iii) Validation by other recognized means or comparison with results of a recognized laboratory with verified quality control procedures.

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22. Are the parameters for acceptance or rejection of both raw materials and feed ingredients clearly defined?

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23. Are test results for all raw materials and feed ingredients recorded, including clear evidence of action in the event of results falling outside of acceptable parameters?

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24. Are test results reviewed by an authorized and competent person(s) responsible for ensuring that both raw materials and feed ingredients meet specified parameters?

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25. Is a recall/withdrawal procedure in place, and does it include site, customer, and regulatory contacts, identification of potentially affected product, quarantine, actions required concerning affected product, and release only after suitable assessment?

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26. Are products that have been recalled assessed for legality and safety before being reprocessed or put back into circulation, with records kept of any such assessment?

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27. Is the recall procedure tested at least annually to ensure its effectiveness, documented, and evaluated for improvements?

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28. Do participants know the previous 3 loads for dedicated transport and have details of cleaning? Is non-dedicated transport inspected prior to loading to ensure compliance with AIC Haulage Exclusion and Sensitive Lists?

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29. Is the load area of vehicles and containers covered, other than when loading or unloading, and are containers inspected for cleanliness before loading?

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30. Are facilities provided to prevent the ingress of rain or vermin to the feed container when loading is prolonged?

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31. Do all personnel receive training in effective working practices that ensure the protection of staff and the safety and quality of feed materials, and are training records maintained?

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32. Can brewers/distillers demonstrate they have access to technical expertise and information with regard to feed materials and relevant issues of food/feed safety and legislation, which may be obtained through a competent merchant or trade body?

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33. Do brewers/distillers have appropriate financial means to deal with claims of product liability, e.g., product liability insurance of at least £5 million?

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34. Are the records required by this standard kept in an accessible form for a minimum of two years?

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