Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning Checklist - Weekly

Use this weekly Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning Checklist to ensure hygiene and compliance, efficiently maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen environment.

Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning Checklist - Weekly

Kitchen Clean

1. Is the oven's manual followed to conduct a proper cleaning?

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2. Is the refrigerator or freezer emptied out, and the interior and exterior wiped down?

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3. Is the coffee machine wiped down, and the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions followed?

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4. After cleaning, is water boiled in the deep fryer to remove tough grease stains, the water drained, and the fryer rinsed?

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5. Are the drain covers washed, the drain scrubbed with a drain brush, then a mixture of water and sanitizing solution poured into the drain, and then rinsed with water?

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1. Are walls scrubbed off grease buildup using a cloth and a degreaser?

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2. Are doors scrubbed off grease buildup using a cloth and a degreaser?

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1. Is a mix of water and deliming solution created to scrub away hard water deposits on sinks and faucets?

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2. Is a deliming solution poured into the dishwasher, turned on, stopped halfway through the cycle, left to sit for a few minutes, and then turned back on, and the inside wiped after the cycle has finished?

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Spot Clean

1. Are any grease and food stains wiped away with a cloth or sponge?

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2. Are any grease and food stains on the ceiling wiped away with a wet sweeper?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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