Re-opening Checklist for Bowling and Entertainment Centers

This inspection checklist has been designed for bowling & entertainment centres re-opening after COVID-19 lockdowns, to implement the CDC-recommended hygiene measures.

Re-opening Checklist for Bowling and Entertainment Centers

Safeguarding Guidance

1. Review and follow the Universal Guidelines for all

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2. Review and follow CDC guidance for businesses and employers.

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3. Review and follow CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfection.

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4. Review and follow Restaurant and Food Service Guidance if applicable.

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5. All staff and customers should wear reusable/washable cloth face coverings over their noses and mouths when around others and in settings where social distancing may be difficult to maintain. a. Provide training on cloth face coverings based on CDC guidance for Use of Cloth Face Coverings. b. Review the information about using cloth face coverings. c. People wearing face coverings must not touch their eyes, noses, mouths, or faces, or adjust their face coverings without first sanitizing hands. After touching faces or adjusting face coverings, hands must be sanitized.

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6. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol must be readily made available to staff and customers. Frequent hand hygiene should be required including, but not limited to, hand hygiene upon arrival, before and after meals or snacks, before and after going to the bathroom, before and after touching a person’s face or face covering, when moving between attraction areas, and prior to leaving the facility.

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7. Commonly touched surfaces and areas should be frequently cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidance at the end of each activity. Shared equipment must be cleaned and disinfected between use.

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8. Staff and customers should be reminded to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others.

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9. A dedicated staff member (i.e., a safety officer) should be assigned to be monitor social distancing and compliance with protective actions, and to prompt other staff and customers about social distancing, hand hygiene, and use of cloth face coverings.

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Employee Guidance

1. Staff must be provided education and training around safe practices as it relates to hygiene, sanitation (cleaning and disinfection policies), and illness policies outlined in the Universal Guidelines and in this document.

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2. Stagger shifts, breaks, and meals, in compliance with wage and hour laws and regulations to maintain social distancing. Weather permitting, breaks and lunches should be outdoors when possible.

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3. Staff should be instructed to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others (staff and customers) at all times. Prohibit congregating in break rooms or common areas and limit capacity of such areas to allow for a safe social distancing of at least 6 feet whenever possible.

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4. Employers should continue to encourage remote work whenever possible and feasible with facility operations (i.e. marketing, league and party planning, office work, etc.).

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5. Require all staff to report any symptoms of COVID-19 or close contact with a person with COVID-19 to a supervisor.

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6. Person(s) with any COVID-19 symptoms, or those who within the past 14 days report close contact with someone suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 or report travel risk factors should not be allowed into the facility: a. Symptomatic persons should be instructed to contact their healthcare providers to be tested for COVID-19 and self-isolate at home following the instructions below. b. Asymptomatic persons reporting that within the past 14 days they have had close contact with someone suspected or confirmed with COVID-19 or who report one of the traveled-related risk factors should self-quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure or return from travel. c. NOTE: Healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment should answer “no” to this question

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7. Person(s) with suspect or confirmed COVID-19 must stay home until symptom based criteria are met for discontinuation of isolation which are: a. At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared AND b. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (recovery is defined as resolution of fever off any fever reducing medications plus improvement in other symptoms)

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Customer Guidance

1. Customers must be informed of new policies and procedures and provided instructions on hand hygiene, cloth face covering use, social distancing, sanitation (cleaning and disinfection policies), and illness policies.

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2. Customers should be encouraged to stay at least 6 feet apart from other customers and staff at all times.

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3. Customers should be asked to bring and wear cloth face coverings for use when social distancing is difficult to maintain.

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Business Process Guidance

1. Develop a process for limiting the number of customers inside the facility at a given time, excluding employees and representatives of third-party delivery companies, to 50 percent or less of building occupancy based on Building and Fire Code.

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2. Assign transaction terminals to single employees when possible. Avoid sharing of terminals among employees when possible. Commonly touched surfaces and work areas should be frequently cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidance at a minimum every 2 hours and at the end of each use.

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3. Use plastic shields or barriers between customers and clerks at service counters when possible and clean them frequently.

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4. Traffic flow should be modified so there is no congregating of staff or customers and waiting lines are eliminated or clearly demarcated with 6 feet of distance for people to stand if awaiting service.

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1. Limit the number of people per lane to 6 people or fewer.

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2. Customers should maintain as much physical distance as possible between others while playing.

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3. Businesses must maintain a minimum of one unoccupied lane between groups.

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4. League play is permitted only if it complies with the above guidelines. Two teams from the same league may occupy adjacent lanes. There must be at least one lane unoccupied between different league matches.

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5. All touch points must be cleaned and disinfected between groups according to CDC and BPAA guidance, including all bowling balls and holes (if applicable), reset buttons, seating, tables, and scoring consoles/tables.

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6. Rental shoes must be sanitized with appropriate disinfectant between each use, inside AND out.

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7. No bowling towels can be stored in any common area or on tables, ball racks, scoring consoles/tables, etc. Any towels are to be used by single person only.

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Arcades, Laser Tag, Billiard Halls, Prize Redemption, Etc.

1. Laser tag should be limited to 50 percent of the capacity of the room.

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2. Games should be scheduled to allow adequate time to clean and disinfect all equipment between each use.

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3. People playing laser tag should be encouraged to wear cloth face coverings, especially if the games involve un-related individuals.

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4. If Arcade/amusement games are arranged within 6 feet of an adjacent game, then people should avoid playing on adjacent games simultaneously.

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5. All touch points should be cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidance every 30-60 minutes at a minimum. When possible, a staff member should be dedicated to roving the facility to continuously sanitize gaming touch surfaces.

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6. Redemption prize centers may open with physical distancing built into their operations. Any waiting lines should have clearly demarcated areas to maintain a safe distance of at least 6 feet between people.

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7. No self-service of redemption prizes is allowed.

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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