PrimusGFS Checklist - Preventative Controls

Use this PrimusGFS Checklist to audit compliance with the PrimusGFS v3.2 food safety standards, focusing on Module 7 - Preventive Controls Program.

PrimusGFS Checklist - Preventative Controls

Preliminary Steps

1. 7.01.01 Is there a team responsible for the preventive control program at the operation, with a leader assigned, if applicable, for the development, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of the preventive control program?

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2. 7.01.02 Is there documented evidence that the preventive control team members have been trained on preventive control program development?

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3. 7.01.03 Does a product description exist for the products produced?

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4. 7.01.04 Has the process(es) been flow charted in sufficient detail to completely describe the process or product handling/processing steps?

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5. 7.01.05 Is there documented evidence that the flow chart(s) has been verified on-site?

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Development Of The Preventive Controls Program

1. 7.02.01 Has a documented hazard analysis for each product been conducted, showing the various types of hazards, their likelihood of occurrence, their associated severity, and their control measures?

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2. 7.02.02 Where risk-based preventive controls are identified, have they been developed using plans and/or procedures to control identified risks?

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3. 7.02.03 Is the preventive control program (as part of the Preventive Control Plan re-analysis) reviewed when significant changes are made (raw materials, packaging, suppliers, product, process, construction, recurring deviations, new scientific information, etc.) and at least once every 3 years?

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4. 7.02.04 Do the process preventive controls have critical limits, supported by relevant validation documentation, and do other preventive controls have parameters, values, and targets (where relevant)?

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5. 7.02.05 Have monitoring requirements and frequencies been determined and documented for the preventive controls?

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6. 7.02.06 Are there documents that show validation work for the process of preventive controls and was this validation work performed by or overseen by a Preventive Control Qualified Individual?

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7. 7.02.07 Do the preventive control plans, charts, and/or procedures indicate that specific responsibilities have been assigned for the monitoring, recording, and corrective action implementation?

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8. 7.02.08 Have standard operating procedures (SOPs) been created for the monitoring process(es) of the preventive controls, including those in plan or chart format (e.g., process preventive controls)?

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9. 7.02.09 Have corrective action procedures been established for the preventive controls, including a detailed action plan for operators to follow if out-of-specification situations are observed (loss of control/deviation) and plans to adjust the process back into control?

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10. 7.02.10 Have recording forms been developed for monitoring the preventive controls?

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11. 7.02.11 Have verification procedures and schedules been developed for the preventive controls?

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Execution Of The Preventive Controls Program

1. 7.03.01 Is there documented evidence that all plant workers have attended preventive control training, including specific training for workers directly involved with preventive controls?

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2. 7.03.02 Are the preventive control monitoring activities and frequencies in compliance with the preventive control plans, charts, and procedures?

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3. 7.03.03 Do workers directly involved with preventive control operations understand basic preventive control principles and their role in monitoring preventive controls?

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4. 7.03.04 Are preventive control-associated records signed off (or initiated) by the workers who are carrying out and recording the preventive control activities?

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5. 7.03.05 Is there a deviation record detailing documented corrective actions when a deviation or deficiency of preventive control occurs?

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6. 7.03.06 Are the records associated with preventive controls reviewed and signed off by a preventive controls qualified individual or trained designate (second signatory)?

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