PrimusGFS Checklist - FSMS

Use this PrimusGFS Checklist to audit compliance with the PrimusGFS v3.2 food safety standards, focusing on module 1 - Food Safety Management System.

PrimusGFS Checklist - FSMS

Management System

1. 1.01.01 Is there a documented food safety policy detailing the company's commitment to food safety?

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2. 1.01.02 Is there an organizational chart showing all management and workers who are involved in food safety-related activities and documentation (job descriptions) detailing their food safety responsibilities?

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3. 1.01.03 Is there a food safety committee and are there logs of food safety meetings with topics covered and attendees?

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4. 1.01.04 Is there a training management system in place that shows what types of training are required for various job roles of specific workers, including who has been trained, when they were trained, which training they still need to take, and a training schedule?

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5. 1.01.05 Is there a documented management verification review of the entire food safety management system at least every 12 months, including an evaluation of resources, and are there records of changes made?

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6. 1.02.06 Where specific industry guidelines or best practices exist for the crop and/or product, does the operation have a current copy of the document?

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Control Of Documents And Records

1. 1.02.01 Is there a written document control procedure (including document control register/record) describing how documents will be maintained, updated, and replaced?

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2. 1.02.02 Is there a documented and implemented procedure that requires all records to be stored for a minimum period of 24 months (or greater if legally required) or for at least the shelf life of the product if it is greater than 24 months?

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3. 1.02.03 Are both paper and electronic food safety related documents and records created, edited, stored and handled in a secure manner?

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4. 1.02.04 Are records maintained in an organized and retrievable manner?

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5. 1.02.05 Are all records and test results that can have an impact on the food safety program verified by a qualified person independent of the individual(s) completing the records?

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Procedures And Corrective Actions

1. 1.03.01 Is there a written and standardized procedure for creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and their content?

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2. 1.03.02 Are the written procedures available to relevant users and is a master copy maintained in a central file?

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3. 1.03.03 Is there a documented corrective action procedure that describes the basic requirements for handling all nonconformances affecting food safety?

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4. 1.03.04 Is there an incident reporting system, also known as a Notice(s) of Unusual Occurrence and Corrective Actions Log (NUOCA)?

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Internal And External Inspections

1. 1.04.01 Is there a documented procedure for how internal audits are to be performed at the operations, including frequency and covering all processes impacting food safety and the related documents and records?

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2. 1.04.02 Are there written procedures for handling regulatory inspections?

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3. 1.04.03 Are there records of regulatory inspections and/or contracted inspections, company responses, and corrective actions, if any?

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4. 1.04.04 Are there documented calibration and/or accuracy verification procedures for measuring and monitoring devices used in the operations that are related to the safety of the product?

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5. 1.04.05 Are calibration and/or accuracy verification records maintained and are they consistent with the requirements outlined in the SOP(s) for instruments and measuring devices requiring calibration?

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Release Of Items/Product

1. 1.05.01 Is there a documented product release procedure available?

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2. 1.05.02 Are there records of product releases kept on file?

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3. 1.05.03 Is there a documented procedure for handling on-hold and rejected items?

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4. 1.05.04 Are there records of the handling of on-hold and rejected items kept on file?

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5. 1.05.05 Is there a documented procedure for dealing with customer and buyer food safety complaints/feedback along with records and company responses, including corrective actions?

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Supplier Monitoring/Control

1. 1.06.01 Is there a written procedure detailing how suppliers and service providers are evaluated, approved, and include the ongoing verification activities including monitoring?

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2. 1.06.02 Is there a list of approved suppliers and service providers including justification for use of any emergency (temporary) suppliers or providers?

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3. 1.06.03 Are there current written food safety-related specifications for all incoming products, ingredients, materials (including primary packaging), and services provided on-site, and outsourced services?

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4. 1.06.04 Does the organization have documented evidence to ensure that all incoming products, ingredients, materials, and services provided on-site and outsourced service suppliers comply with the approval requirements and that all supplier verification activities (including monitoring) are being followed, as defined in the supplier approval procedure?

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5. 1.06.05 Where food safety-related testing is being performed by laboratory service providers, are these licensed and/or accredited laboratories (e.g., ISO 17025 or equivalent, national and local regulations, etc.)?

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Traceability And Recall

1. 1.07.01 Is there a document that indicates how the company product tracking system works, thereby enabling trace back and trace forward to occur in the event of a potential recall issue?

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2. 1.07.02 Does the organization have a documented recall program including procedures, recall team roles and contact details, external contact listings, requirement for recall effectiveness checks, explanation of different recall classes and handling of recalled product?

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3. 1.07.03 Is testing of recall procedures (including traceback) performed and documented at least every six months, and can the company demonstrate the ability to trace materials (one step forward, one step back) effectively?

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Food Defense

1. 1.08.01 Is there a written food fraud vulnerability assessment (FFVA) and protection plan for all types of fraud, including all incoming and outgoing products?

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2. 1.08.02 Is there a written food defense vulnerability assessment and food defense plan based on the risks associated with the operation?

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3. 1.08.03 Are records associated with the food defense plan and its procedures being maintained, including monitoring, corrective action, and verification records (where appropriate)?

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4. 1.08.04 Is there a current list of emergency contact phone numbers for management, law enforcement, and appropriate regulatory agencies?

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5. 1.08.05 Are visitors and contractors to the company operations required to adhere to food defense procedures?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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