Point of Care Risk Assessment (PCRA) Template

Healthcare workers can use this Point of Care Risk Assessment before patient interactions to take appropriate infection prevention and control measures.

Point of Care Risk Assessment (PCRA) Template


1. Has the patient been screened recently for infectious symptoms (for example in triage, or in daily symptom check)?

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2. What are the patient’s current symptoms (for example respiratory symptoms, such as new onset of coughing, unexplained fever, rash, enteric symptoms, diarrhea)?

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3. Does the patient have a recent travel history?

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4. Have they come from a country with a current high-consequence disease (HCID) alert

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5. Are there additional precautions (droplet, contact, airborne) in place?

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6. Does the patient have a history of carriage/infection with multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) etc.?

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7. Is the patient mobile/ambulatory and are they capable and willing to perform hand hygiene and practice respiratory etiquette etc.?

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1. What type of tasks am I about to perform (for example providing personal care,carrying out an invasive procedure, turning off a monitor, performing an AGP, or is it a non-clinical interaction)?

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2. Will the task increase the likelihood that my skin/clothing will come in direct contact with blood/body fluid?

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3. Will I be undertaking an aerosol-generating procedure (AGP), non-clinical interaction?

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4. Is additional equipment required to enable me to perform the task safely (for example use of dressings, provision of tissues, emesis basin)?

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1. Are there potential ergonomic hazards that may affect my ability to undertake the task safely (for example physical clutter)?

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2. Is there a risk to/from other individuals (for example shared rooms, mobile patients with infectious symptoms)?

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3. Is there enough space for physical distancing to be maintained?

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4. Can my planned work area be properly cleaned and disinfected?

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1. Is hand hygiene as per WHO 5 Moments followed?

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2. Is respiratory etiquette such as offering the patient a mask, and if tolerated, supporting the patient to use tissues/their elbow to cover coughs and provide necessary equipment followed?

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3. Is personal space for staff and patients respected?

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4. Are additional precautions such as contact precautions and droplet and/or airborne precautions implemented?

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5. For environmental hygiene, are environmental surfaces cleaned and disinfected if required, especially areas that are frequently touched?

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6. Is reusable equipment cleaned & disinfected between each use?

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7. Whenever possible, are patients with identified risks for infectious diseases/agents in single rooms prioritized?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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