PDCA Cycle Template

Use this PDCA Cycle Template to improve processes to plan objectives, execute plans, check measurements and data, and act on reviews and future plans.

PDCA Cycle Template


1. Objective - Is a specific goal articulated, measurable, and achievable within the project’s constraints?

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2. Scope - Are the boundaries and focus of the plan precisely outlined, detailing what is included and excluded to maintain a clear direction?

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3. Resources Needed - Are the human, financial, and material resources necessary for the project’s success enumerated including any external tools or support systems?

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4. Responsibilities - Are tasks and responsibilities assigned to team members based on team members’ strengths and expertise, and is there clear accountability and ownership for each task?

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5. Timeline - Is a detailed and realistic timeline established for the Plan phase, and are milestones and deadlines included to keep the project on track?

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1. Implementation Plan - Are detailed steps, including timelines and responsible parties, outlined to ensure the plan is enacted efficiently?

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2. Training Requirements - Are specific training programs or resources identified for team members to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge?

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3. Execution - Is the execution phase initiated in alignment with the outlined plan, while systematically documenting each step of the process for review and assessment?

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1. Monitoring and Measurement - Are clear metrics and indicators established to assess progress and effectiveness, including regular review schedules and tools to track performance against predefined goals?

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2. Data Collection - Is a systematic approach implemented to gather relevant data, which may include quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback, utilizing methods such as surveys, interviews, feedback forms, and analytics tools?

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3. Analysis - Is a thorough evaluation of the collected data conducted to identify trends, discrepancies, and potential areas of improvement, as well as successful practices and strategies that can be replicated or scaled up? Is the goal to make informed decisions based on evidence gathered during the monitoring and data collection phases?

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1. Review - Are thorough discussions with the team conducted to analyze outcomes, emphasizing both successes and areas requiring improvement, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach?

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2. Adjustments - Have necessary modifications to the plan been made based on the insights gained during the review phase, which may involve tweaking strategies, processes, or even goals to better align with the observed outcomes?

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3. Standardization - Are steps taken to formalize changes by implementing the new methods as standard practice within the organization, if the revised plan proves to be successful, ensuring consistency and efficiency in future projects?

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4. Future Plans - Are plans made beyond the current project to establish a roadmap for continuous improvement, including setting new objectives, exploring areas for enhancement, and planning for the long-term evolution of the project or team?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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