OSHA Young Workers Checklist

Use the OSHA Young Workers Checklist to ensure the well-being of young workers in the workplace, through comprehensive assessments and safety standards.

OSHA Young Workers Checklist

OSHA Young Workers

1. Do workers under 16 perform jobs or tasks prohibited by state and federal child labor laws?

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2. Do workers under 17 drive for work?

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3. Do 17-year-old workers drive for work only if they have a valid driver’s license, the driving task is incidental to the job, and they meet certain requirements?

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4. Do workers under 18 work too many hours, too late, or too early in compliance with state and federal child labor laws?

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5. Do workers under 18 do any hazardous work or operate hazardous equipment prohibited by state and federal child labor laws?

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6. If required by state law, do all workers under 18 have a valid work permit issued by their school district or another designated agency?

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7. Do workers 18 to 21 years old not drive commercial vehicles across state lines?

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8. Have managers and workers been trained on relevant child labor laws?

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9. Do managers and coworkers instruct young workers to not do tasks or operate equipment for which they are not trained?

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10. Do managers and coworkers instruct young workers to not do tasks or operate equipment that is prohibited by state and federal child labor laws?

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11. Is equipment operated by young workers both safe for them to use and legal for them to operate?

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12. Is the equipment that young workers are not allowed to operate clearly labeled and pointed out to all staff as part of training?

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13. Are young workers asked about prior job experience and work safety and health training in order to tailor current job-specific safety and health training?

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14. Are young workers taught about safety and health hazards present on the job, how these hazards can injure a worker, precautions for preventing an injury, and workers’ rights on the job?

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15. Does young worker training provide key job safety instruction, including safe work practices and equipment, ensure tasks to be performed are clearly understood, and provide opportunities for questions?

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16. Are young workers encouraged to ask questions about tasks or procedures that are unclear or not fully understood, and are they told who to ask if they have questions or concerns?

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17. Is key job safety information/instructions routinely reinforced in a variety of ways, especially over the first several weeks on the job, to help ensure young workers clearly understand the tasks to be performed?

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18. Are young workers actively encouraged to ask questions and share ideas during team meetings and training?

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19. Do young workers know what to do if they get hurt on the job and where to go if they need emergency medical treatment?

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20. Do young workers understand that they will not be fired or disciplined for reporting an unsafe work condition, an injury, or a “near-miss”?

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21. Are young workers trained and prepared for emergencies and shown escape routes?

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22. Are all workers, including teens, covered by workers’ compensation?

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23. When possible, do young workers participate in OSHA 10-hour training that provides a general awareness of workplace hazard identification and control and information about workers’ rights?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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