OSHA Medical Services and First Aid Checklist

Use this OSHA Medical Services and First Aid Checklist to assess and enhance workplace first aid provisions, ensuring compliance and employee well-being.

OSHA Medical Services and First Aid Checklist

OSHA Medical Services And First Aid

1. Is a hospital, clinic, or infirmary for medical care located near the workplace?

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2. If a medical facility is not located near the workplace, is at least one worker on each shift adequately trained and qualified to render first aid?

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3. Are medical personnel readily available for advice and consultation on matters of workers’ health?

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4. Are fully supplied first aid kits easily accessible to each work area, adequate for the particular area or operation, and periodically inspected and replenished as needed?

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5. Are workers who only render first aid as collateral duty provided with appropriate PPE, such as gloves?

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6. Have workers who are expected to respond to medical emergencies as part of their job responsibilities received first aid training, had hepatitis B vaccinations made available to them, had appropriate training on procedures to protect them from bloodborne pathogens, including universal precautions, and have available and understand how to use appropriate PPE to protect against exposure to bloodborne diseases?

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7. Has any worker who had an exposure incident involving bloodborne pathogens received an immediate post-exposure confidential medical evaluation and follow-up?

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8. Are emergency phone numbers posted?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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