OSHA Health and Safety Program Checklist

Use this OSHA Health and Safety Program Checklist to ensure compliance through a hazard communication plan, employee responsibility plan, and complaint handling.

OSHA Health and Safety Program Checklist

Written Hazard Communication Plan

1. Do you have an active safety and health program in operation that deals with general safety and health program elements as well as the management of hazards specific to your worksite? Do employers have a written plan that describes how the training, labeling, MSDS management, and other requirements of "Right-to-Know" will be met?

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Responsibility Assigned To A Specific Person For The Safety Program

1. Is one person clearly responsible for the overall activities of the safety and health program?29 CFR 1910.1200 (and other regulations) require that you assign responsibility for the many aspects of the safety program. Some states also specifically require that employers name a person for responsibility with overall safety.

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2. Do you have a safety committee or group made up of management and labor representatives that meets regularly and reports in writing on its activities

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Employee Complaints

1. Do you have a working procedure for handling in-house employee complaints regarding safety and health, such as unguarded equipment, safety procedures not being followed, or medical issues, such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, or skin problems? All OSHA standards require that employers evaluate workplace hazards and determine whether operational conditions, material use, or employee complaints mean that there is any exposure to unsafe conditions.

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2. Are you keeping your employees advised of the successful efforts and accomplishments you and/or your safety committee have made in assuring they will have a workplace that is safe and healthful?

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3. Have you considered incentives for employees or workgroups who have excelled in reducing workplace injuries/illnesses?

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Formal Disciplinary Policy/procedure Relating To Safety

1. Do employers enforce strict safety rules according to OSHA standards?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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