OSHA Alarm Systems Checklist

Use the OSHA Alarm Systems Checklist for comprehensive assessments of alarm systems to ensure compliance with safety standards, and enhance workplace safety.

OSHA Alarm Systems Checklist

General Requirements

1. Does your plan include a way to alert employees, including disabled workers, to evacuate or take other action, and how to report emergencies?

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2. Have you established an employee alarm system that complies with ?

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3. If the employee alarm system is used for alerting fire brigade members, or for other purposes, is a distinctive signal used for each purpose?

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4. Does the employee alarm system provide warning for necessary emergency action as called for in the emergency action plan, or for reaction time for the safe escape of employees from the workplace or the immediate work area, or both?

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5. Can alarms be heard, seen, or otherwise perceived by everyone in the workplace?

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6. Do you provide an auxiliary power supply if electricity is shut off?

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7. Do you ensure that alarms are distinctive and recognized by all employees as a signal to evacuate the work area or perform actions identified in your plan?

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8. Have you made available an emergency communications system such as a public address system, portable radio unit, or other means to notify employees of the emergency and to contact local law enforcement, the fire department, and others?

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9. Have you established procedures for sounding emergency alarms in the workplace?

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Installation And Restoration

1. Are only approved devices, components, combinations of devices, or systems used? Are steam whistles, air horns, strobe lights, similar lighting devices, or tactile devices meeting the requirements of this section considered to meet this requirement for approval?

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2. Are all employee alarm systems restored to normal operating conditions as soon as possible after each test or alarm? Are spare alarm devices and components readily available?

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Maintenance And Testing

1. Are all employee alarm systems in proper working condition, except when undergoing repairs or maintenance?

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2. Is the reliability and adequacy of non-supervised employee alarm systems tested every two months? Use a different actuation device in each test of a multi-actuation device system.

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3. Are power supplies maintained or replaced as often as is necessary to ensure a fully operational condition? Provide backup alarms when systems are out of service.

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4. Is employee alarm circuitry installed after January 1, 1981, supervised, and does it provide positive notification to assigned personnel whenever a deficiency exists in the system?

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5. Are the servicing, maintenance, and testing of employee alarms done by properly trained persons?

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Manual Operation

1. Are manually activated alarms unobstructed, conspicuous, and readily accessible?

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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