Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection

The Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection ensures all your fire extinguishers are in proper working condition every month by checking their elements and condition.

Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection

Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection

1. Is the fire extinguisher present, and are all associated parts intact? Does this include the pull pin, tamper/safety seal, pressure gauge, and discharge hose?

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2. Is the fire extinguisher visibly damaged, and does it contain any dents or rust?

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3. Has the fire extinguisher been inspected by a third-party professional within the last year? Can you observe the date on the provided inspection tag?

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4. Is the data plate/label on the front of the fire extinguisher present and legible?

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5. Is the needle on the pressure gauge in the green section? (Remember that carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are not equipped with a gauge.)

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6. Is the fire extinguisher mounted on a bracket or inside a cabinet?

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7. Is the fire extinguisher visible and accessible? Do all the fire extinguishers have 3 feet of clearance in all directions?

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8. Is the fire extinguisher classified for use on the types of hazards (classes of fire) found in the area? Can you refer to the CMU Fire Extinguisher Guide for additional assistance?

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Checklist by – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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