JSA Form - Job Safety Analysis Checklist

The JSA Form - Job Safety Analysis Checklist helps assess and identify hazards in your workplace through inspections of chemical use, electrical systems, etc.

JSA Form - Job Safety Analysis Checklist

Job Safety Analysis

1. Was chemical use checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Emergency shower identified and available •IH Sample Plan •Eye wash station (identified/available) •Respiratory Protection Form (Site Form A-6005-593) •Portable eyewash w/drench hose (Number of units required for work activity): •Dermal PPE •Chemical Boots •Ventilation •Chemical Gloves •Chemical Goggles

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2. Was potential contact with tank waste checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Emergency shower identified and available •Pipe / Vessel purged, drained, flushed •Portable eyewash w/drench hose (Number of units required for work activity): (include text here) •Pipe / Vessel breach point containment •Pipe / Vessel depressurized •Pipe / Vessel isolated •Chemical Gloves •Dermal PPE

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3. Was potential contact with process chemicals checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Emergency shower identified and available •Pipe / Vessel breach point containment •Eye wash station (identified/available) •Respiratory Protection Form (Site Form A-6005-593) •Portable eyewash w/drench hose (Number of units required for work activity): •Pipe / Vessel purged, drained, flushed •Chemical Boots •Pipe / Vessel depressurized •Chemical Gloves •Pipe / Vessel isolated •Chemical Goggles •Ventilation •IH Sample Plan •Dermal PPE

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4. Was RAD Risk Screening and development of appropriate controls performed in accordance with TFC-OPS-MAINT-C-01 and TFC-ESHQ-RP-RWP-C-03 for radiological safety?

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5. Were tank form vapors checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Tank Vapors Information Sheet (TVIS) # •Respiratory Protection Form (Site Form A-6005-593) •IH Sample Plan •Similar Exposure Group

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6. Was asbestos checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Asbestos Work Permit •IH Sample Plan

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7. Was lead checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Lead Compliance Plan •IH Sample Pla

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8. Were electrical controls checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? • EEWP • EHE

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9. Was the confined space hazard checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Confined Space Hazard Identification •Non-Permit Confined Space Controls •Confined Space Entry Permit •IH Sample Plan

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10. Were rotating/moving equipment or pinch points checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Block parts against motion

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11. Was noise >85 dBA checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Noise Barrier •Hearing Protection Boundary •IH Sample Plan # Hearing Protection Specify

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12. Were crane or other lifting equipment lifting and rigging objects checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Special Lift •Critical Lift •Utility Notification •EU notification

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13. Were vehicular traffic, equipment, and/or forklifts checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Lane Closure

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14. Were elevating work platforms checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Lane Closure •Cones •Fall Protection Work Permit •Signs •Traffic Barricades

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15. Were overhead utilities checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •De-energizing req. •Insulation blankets req. •Wire watch req. •Req. clearance distance •Safe work zone marked •Electrical Utility Notification

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16. Were falls/roof work checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Engineering Evaluation •Fall Protection Work Permit (Site Form A-6004-286) •Fall Protection Equipment Pre-Use Inspection

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17. Was scaffolding checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Fall Protection Work Permit

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18. Were moving/falling objects from heights checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Barricade around potential fall area •Warning Signs

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19. Were excavations, trenching, shoring, and soil contamination checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Site Excavation Permit •Ground Scans •Barricades

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20. Were underground utilities (line locating) checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Ground Scan •Voltage rated gloves •Insulated hand tools •Maintain clearance distance •Safe work zone marked •Site Excavation Permit •Underground Electrical Utilities (Site Form A-7400-373)

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21. Was fire hazard weld, burn, grind, or solder checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Respiratory Protection •Hot Work Permit •Fire Blanket •Welding Screen IH Sample Plan Fire Marshall Permit

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22. Was hazardous energy (air/steam/fluid/pressurized) checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Depressurize •Sleeving •Cool down systems

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23. Was stored energy checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Barricade Work Area •Remove Energy

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24. Were eye, foot, head, and hand hazards checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Face Shield •Goggles •Cut Resistant Gloves •Heat Resistant Gloves

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25. Was wall ceiling blind penetration checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Area Scan where penetration will take place

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26. Were tank vapor flammable/explosive hazards checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Ignition Source Control Screening

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27. Were laboratory hazards (e.g., chemical splashes, chemical compatibility, reactive, time-sensitive) checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Chemical Segregation •Volume Limitations •Fume Hoods •Special Labeling or Postings •IH Sample Plan •Lab Coat

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28. Was heat stress due to localized heat source or special PPE use checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Heat Stress Mitigation Checklist

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29. Was the removal of abandoned/deactivated equipment checked to ensure safety using one or more of the following methods? •Air Gaps •Containment •Flushing •Drain/Depressurize •Hot Tap •Remove Stored Energy

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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