HSE Management System Template

Use this HSE Management System Template for a self-assessment of your organization's health and safety policies, controls, practices and performance.

HSE Management System Template


1. Does the company understand its responsibilities for health and safety towards employees, customers, visitors, and members of the public, and has a clear, written health and safety policy, and is the policy signed, dated, and communicated to all employees?

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2. Do the Directors regard the health and safety of employees as an important business objective?

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3. Are the Directors committed to continuous improvement in health and safety, including reducing injuries, cases of work-related ill health, absences from work, and accidental loss?

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4. Has a named Director or Senior Manager been given overall responsibility for implementing the health and safety policy?

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5. Does the policy include a commitment to preparing regular health and safety improvement plans and regularly reviewing the operation of the health and safety policy?

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6. Does the policy include a commitment to ensuring that all employees are competent to do their jobs safely and without risks to health?

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7. Does the policy encourage the involvement of employees and safety representatives in the health and safety effort?

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Organizing Controls

1. Have the people responsible for particular health and safety jobs, including those requiring special expertise (e.g., health and safety advisor), been identified?

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2. Have the company's responsibilities for all aspects of health and safety been defined and allocated to managers, supervisors, and team leaders?

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3. Do managers, supervisors, and team leaders accept their responsibilities for health and safety, and do they have the time and resources to fulfill them?

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4. Do managers, supervisors, and team leaders know what they have to do to fulfill their responsibilities and how they will be held accountable?

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Organizing Communication

1. Is clear information provided to people working on the site about hazards and risks, as well as risk control measures and safe systems of work, which are easily accessible in the relevant work area?

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2. Is health and safety regularly discussed, with health and safety on the agenda of management meetings and briefings?

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3. Are the directors, managers, and supervisors open and approachable on health and safety issues, encouraging their staff to discuss health and safety matters?

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4. Do the Directors, Managers, and Team Leaders communicate their commitment to health and safety through their behavior by consistently setting a good example?

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5. Is clear information provided to persons working on behalf of the organization (e.g., contractors, visiting drivers) regarding site hazards, risks, and control measures to protect them?

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6. Is clear information provided to casual and irregular visitors to the site (e.g., customers, school visits, auditors) regarding site hazards, risks, and control measures to protect them?

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7. Are clear feedback systems established for customers on safety issues, such as drivers breaching traffic rules, climbing on loads, or not wearing PPE?

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Organizing Cooperation

1. Is the workforce involved in preparing health and safety improvement plans, reviewing health and safety performance, undertaking risk assessments, preparing safety-related rules and procedures, investigating incidents, and problem-solving?

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2. Are employees and employee safety representatives consulted on all issues that affect health and safety at work?

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3. Is there an active health and safety committee chaired by the appropriate Director or Senior Manager, with representation from employees across all departments?

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4. Are there arrangements for cooperating and coordinating on health and safety matters for contractors and employment agencies whose employees work on the site?

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Organizing Competence

1. Is there a system in place to ensure that all employees, including managers, supervisors, and temporary staff, receive adequate instruction and training?

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2. Has the experience, knowledge, and skills required to perform all tasks safely been assessed?

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3. Is there a system to ensure that individuals performing particularly hazardous work or exposed to hazardous situations have the necessary training, experience, and other qualities to carry out the work safely?

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4. Are there arrangements for accessing specialist advice and assistance when needed?

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5. Are there systems in place to identify and meet competence needs whenever new employees are hired, staff are promoted or transferred, or individuals take on new health and safety responsibilities, such as during restructuring or reorganization?

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6. Are there systems for selecting contractor companies and their personnel, ensuring they have the right level of technical and safety competence before agreeing on contracts?

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7. Are there systems in place to identify and meet competence needs for contracted or agency personnel, and is their ability to perform tasks safely assessed?

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Planning And Implementing

1. Is there a system for identifying hazards, assessing risks, and deciding how to eliminate or control them?

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2. Is there a system for planning and scheduling health and safety improvement measures and prioritizing their implementation based on the nature and level of risk?

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3. Are there arrangements for setting measurable health and safety improvement targets with managers and supervisors?

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4. Do arrangements for purchasing premises, plant, equipment, and raw materials, as well as supplying products, take health and safety into account at the appropriate stage before implementing the plan or activity?

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5. Are health and safety issues taken into proper account when designing processes, equipment, procedures, systems of work, and tasks?

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6. Are there procedures in place for dealing with serious and imminent dangers and emergencies?

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7. Are there health and safety rules and procedures covering significant risks arising from day-to-day work activities, including normal production, foreseeable abnormal situations, and maintenance work?

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8. Are standards set to measure health and safety performance?

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9. Are there formally stipulated and agreed safety specifications for static plants and equipment within the organization, including requirements for safety control devices like interlock systems, guarding, and emergency stops?

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10. Are there formally stipulated and agreed safety specifications for mobile plants and vehicles (whether owned, contracted, or leased), including requirements for safety devices like reversing cameras and auto-sheeters?

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11. Are there arrangements for managing unplanned or ad hoc work activities, including identifying hazards, assessing risks, and deciding on controls?

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12. Are there arrangements for handling emergency situations, including assigning specific roles and responsibilities?

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13. Are there arrangements for managing high-risk work requiring stricter controls, including safety procedures and a ‘permit-to-work’ system?

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14. Are there arrangements to prevent unauthorized operation of plant and equipment?

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15. Are there procedures for performing 'pre-use' safety checks on vehicles, plants, and equipment as needed?

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16. Are there procedures and arrangements for addressing defects or breakdowns that occur during work?

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17. Is there a system for identifying hazards associated with moving, locating, and relocating plant and work equipment around the site, including skips and containers?

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18. Are there arrangements for routinely inspecting plant and equipment in accordance with PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations)?

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19. Are there arrangements with competent persons to perform statutory inspections of plant and equipment in accordance with LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) and PSSR (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations)?

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20. Has the site been designed and constructed to account for traffic and pedestrian movements, with controls in place to ensure safe routes around the site?

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21. Are there arrangements for performing routine site inspections that include traffic management and behavioral safety?

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22. Are there procedures in place to maintain good housekeeping standards to minimize the risk of slips and trips?

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23. Are there controls in place to reduce the risk of falls from height (e.g., into/from skips) by avoiding at-height movements and implementing systems of work that do not require access at height?

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24. Is there a system for identifying manual handling hazards, assessing risks, and deciding how they can be eliminated or controlled, with all relevant employees trained accordingly?

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25. Are employees made aware of (and provided with) the personal protective equipment assessed as necessary for particular work activities?

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26. Are the provided welfare facilities suitable and sufficient for the work environment and those who will be using them (i.e., staff, visitors, contractors)?

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Measuring Performance

1. Are there arrangements for monitoring progress with the implementation of our health and safety improvement plans and measuring the extent to which the targets and objectives set under those plans have been achieved?

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2. Are there arrangements for active monitoring (i.e., checking) to ensure that our control measures are working properly, our health and safety rules and procedures are being followed, and the health and safety standards we have set for ourselves are being met?

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3. Are there arrangements for reporting and investigating accidents, incidents, near misses, and hazardous situations?

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4. When monitoring or investigations show that controls have not worked properly, health and safety rules or procedures have not been followed correctly, or safety standards have not been met, are there systems in place to identify the reasons for substandard performance, and to use disciplinary procedures if necessary?

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5. Are there arrangements for analyzing the causes of potentially serious events to identify underlying root causes, including those arising from shortcomings in the safety management system and safety culture?

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6. Are there arrangements for measuring customer satisfaction in relation to the safety of the products, services, and activities we provide?

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7. Are there arrangements to ensure supervisors continue to check that information, instruction, and training have been fully understood by staff and continue to be applied in practice?

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Auditing And Reviewing Performance

1. Are there arrangements for regular audits of our safety management system by competent external auditors or by competent internal auditors who are independent of the department being audited?

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2. Are there arrangements for using the information from performance monitoring and audits to review the operation of our safety management system and our safety performance?

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3. Are there arrangements for regularly reviewing how well we have met the objectives in our health and safety improvement plans and whether we have met them within the agreed timescales?

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4. Are there arrangements for analyzing information from performance measurement to identify future improvement targets, specific causes of accidents, ill health, or poor risk control, and to focus on future risk reduction efforts?

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5. Are there arrangements for formally reviewing our risk assessments annually and as required by specific events (e.g., changes in operations, site layout, new purchases, new developments, or following an accident or incident on-site)?

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6. Are there arrangements for analyzing information from customer safety breaches to identify future improvement targets and particular causes of accidents or near misses, in order to target future risk reduction efforts?

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7. Are there arrangements for analyzing information from plant and equipment breakdown/maintenance records to identify patterns of deterioration (cause analysis)?

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8. Are there arrangements for periodically reviewing the site layout to account for changes in work activities, traffic type, volume, and circulation?

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