HIPAA Security Rule Checklist

Use this HIPAA Security Rule Checklist to ensure compliance with healthcare data security standards, covering training, privacy rules. security rules, etc.

HIPAA Security Rule Checklist


1. Complete employee HIPAA training including employee responsibilities to HIPAA fines.

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2. Set up mechanisms to monitor changes to HHS guidelines, retrain staff as needed.

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HIPAA Projects

1. Assign a project manager or team

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2. Develop a project plan.

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Virtual Billing

1. Inventory data environments and operational steps for digital transactions.

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2. Build a list of outside partners for online transactions.

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3. Collect and analyse bills and operations for HIPAA Electronic Claims transaction and code set compliance.

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The Privacy Rule

1. Assign an internal HIPAA privacy and security compliance officer to create a compliance plan. This employee should focus on fraud and abuse, codes of conduct, whistle-blower suits, auditing and monitoring, disciplinary standards and personnel issues; responding to problems, investigations and corrective actions.

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2. Post a notice on data best practices and hand out to every patient.

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3. Collect and analyse forms and operations for HIPAA privacy rules complaince.

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4. Ensure human resources safeguards the privacy of your staff's personal health data.

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5. Develop specific written steps to collect, store, transfer and get rid of PHI.

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6. Create a documented process to handle complaints.

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7. Create patient authorization forms and other information in all main languages spoken by your clients.

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The Security Rule

1. Perform a complete risk assessment on existing infrastructure.

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2. Safeguard machines with anti-virus protections, firewalls, VPNs, SSL certificates and related technologies.

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3. Establish a daily backup system.

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4. Develop a disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

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5. Adopt security policies and procedures for all your operations, to include confidentiality statements, individually identifying information of system users, passwords, automatic logoff, acceptable use, email, internet usage, authentication of workstations, monitoring and documenting unauthorised access, audit trails of users, sanctions for misuse or disclosure and termination checklists.

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6. Review physical security and harden as needed.

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7. Write and provide job descriptions for roles required by the healthcare law.

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Checklist by GoAudits.com – Please note that this checklist is intended as an example. We do not guarantee compliance with the laws applicable to your territory or industry. You should seek professional advice to determine how this checklist should be adapted to your workplace or jurisdiction.

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